April 29, 2009

The Dude Is Crazy . . .

But also very charming when wearing spandex! The Hubby is training to ride in a 100 mile race in a week and a half with my brother and sister-in-law. He's been commuting to work on his awesome bike and riding in ridiculous heat on the weekends to meet his goal the day before Mother's Day.

I'm really proud of him. I'm also thrilled for him because he is excited about something he's doing for him, which rarely, if ever happens. Usually he's busy doing things for me and our kids. He deserves this!

Meanwhile, I will be at home watching my nephews and kids and thinking over and over about how I would never enter any kind of competition that involved physical activity for 100 miles on a hard little seat shaped like a medieval torture device. Not even if there was chocolate at the finish or lunch with Hugh Jackman. Okay, maybe for the lunch I would ride.

Go Hubby!
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Kasey said...

Wow, what a great accomplishment!! Or will be rather. That is great that you are supporting him too.

Emily said...


The Queen Vee said...

I think I would be willing to walk a hundred miles to have lunch with Hugh Jackman so a hard seat and two tires is looking good as is the Hubby.

Tobi said...

HILARIOUS SAM! Love the spandex and the hard seat is medieval torture bit. Very witty indeed!

"But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more. Just to be the woman who walked 1,000 miles to fall down at Hugh's door."

-The Proclaimers (lyrics improved by Tobi)

C and Co. said...

Impressive!! Also, loving the pink water bottle!!

Apis Melliflora said...

Can't wait to hear about his athletic feats! 100 miles?! Sheesh! Weren't you on the verge of doing something longish and athletic around this time last year?

squeezeme said...

It's true, the heat, the seat, the spandex, the distance, it shouldn't all add up to totally invigorating and thrilling, but to some of us crazies it just does! GOOOOO TRAVIS, CHRIS AND AUDREY!