January 15, 2008

Utah Zoomin' By . . .

(Above picture taken at 70 m.p.h. on I-15!!!)

I must be getting old because my four day "rest" and vacation with the Hubby minus the kids has me more tired than when I left! Our mini-trip was indeed amazing, but also very exhausting! Try as we might, we could not get to bed before 1:00 MST (3:00 EST) each night! One night we even stayed up until 2:00 AM MST - and I woke up with what I imagine a hangover must be like the next day.

Arriving home and into bed by 2:00 AM Sunday night was fine . . . it was the getting up four and a half hours later to get little ones off to school that did me in. Now I will play catch up for at least three more days until all memories of life without kids are faded and I have readjusted to my reality again (and I love my reality.)

The great news, besides the really tremendous trip, was that my mother (new nickname: WonderGrammy) kept my kids safe from harm and almost safe from eachother for four whole days. The only injury was a goose egg to Hannah's head - self inflicted due to neglectful listening on her part. My kids love their Grammy because she takes them to movies, feeds them great junk, and helps them get an A+ on their tests at school. She also does cool crafts with them, plays better than me on the piano, and snuggles like a pro. We owe this Grammy big time - especially since her life is no slice of pie right now and she still offered to take the Three Lee Banshees! Thanks Mom.

We love Utah. We love that much of our family is there. We love its history and the covenience of all our favorite friends located within an hour or two of eachother. We love that we could visit two temples in two days and slosh around in shin deep snow while eyeing the gorgeous mountains. We love that there are certain things we can only get in Utah - like a great smoothie or a thick slice of Great Harvest Bread with butter. Two things we do not love: its billboards and its drivers. Ah well! We love our Utah, but still feel that for now, Virginia is our home.

Enjoy some gorgeous pictures of the wedding and our other flittings about while gone for the weekend. Life is grand and there are things to celebrate!
Two people, four days, no kiddoes = Happy!
At the wedding of Megan and Tyler Shaw . . .


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I'm seriously having to adjust to you as a blonde. I'm a blonde and you are a blonde - we're blondes. It's been like that since the dawn of time SAM (ok, well 30+ years)! I tried red once remember?? You've done it much better than I did (and don't get me wrong, you look beautiful), but for some reason I'm kind of having an identity crisis right now.

Boan said...

It was great to see you guys. Come again soon!

Emily said...

You and Travis look fabulous! I wasn't sure about the hair color change until I saw you in person, WOW it looks so great on you! It was so nice to see you both, good luck getting back to reality.

chelsea said...

it looks like you guys had a blast. i agree though, i love utah but its just not home!
-prayin for papa ken ♥

Sue said...

Hi Sam!

It's Susie Garlitz! I'm so happy to find that you have a blog! I just found out about your Dad's cancer and visited his blog. The great thing about your Dad is that he's a tough old bugger and I know he won't let something like cancer stop him.

I've been reading several of your blog posts. It's my guilty pleasure, reading blogs, whenever I want to avoid photography work or housework or whining children. You are a fabulous writer! I can identify with so many things you say, especially about motherhood. I'm looking forward to reading your archives and catching up on your family! I'm sad that I didn't find you a few days sooner; I just had Lily's haircut and it was long enough that I probably could have donated it to Locks of Love. I didn't even think of it.

I have two blogs, one personal and one for my photography business. I'd love to have you visit! You may particularly be amused by this post:

The Queen Vee said...

Beautiful couple, beautiful bridal couple, beautiful grandma/grand daughter couple and beautiful sisters. All in my favorite sepia colors. It looks like it was a spectacular wedding. Love those Lee kiddies.

Rachael said...

You look so great, and I'm so happy you had a wonderful time with the hubby. I hope you're catching up!