April 30, 2015

Life In The Fast Lane …


When my kids got to high school it was a bit terrifying for me because I knew there would be all sorts of things awaiting them they’d never encountered before – not good things. I was also completely thrilled because I knew there would be all sorts of things they’d never encountered before – the good things.

Chris has found a very comfortable place amongst the Cross Country runners, the choir kids and the Student Government officers. When Hannah got to the high school this year, I wanted her to find her own things. And she has.

While she’s also running Cross Country, she has really come to love her Art class and this Spring she thought she’d give Track & Field a try since it seemed an obvious extension of Cross Country.

It turns out she’s not really made for the endurance runs. She can do them fine, but where she excels is in the sprints. We couldn’t be more surprised and excited for her! Do you know how cool it is to find out your kid has a secret hidden talent? You want to take a little credit, but actually realize it has nothing to do with you and you are just grinning from ear to ear thinking, “My kid rocks.” And I don’t mean that in a sports only way. I mean that finding out what your kid is good at is just so wonderful, for them, but for you too, because then you can encourage and support and nurture the heck out of whatever it is they are good at!

She is running with the Varsity girls and is currently only a second off the time for qualifying to go to the Conference Championships in the 400m. She’s also run in the 4X400 relay, the 200m, and the 4X800 relay, which is technically a distance event and she hated every minute of it.

It is so awesome to watch her run. I see so much power coming out of that little 5 foot 3 inch body of hers. She’s having a blast and making her mark in something none of her siblings have done. It builds confidence and self esteem for her, which I know is so important.

We’re proud of her and happy to cheer her on. Go, Hannah, GO!

 onyourmarkget setfast lane


Darci said...

That is really cool!!!

Sue said...

It is so fun to see our kids find their "thing".

The Queen Vee said...

Hannie B is multi-talented and can do so many things of which I have no talent.

It's wonderful to see her find her interests and talents and if I could tell her anything it would be that it is a life long process. it's kind of like opening a surprise package.

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm not so surprised at her talent....being the granddaughter of the "fastest woman in Moline" and all! Go Hannie B! Love hearing about your ever increasing speed!