June 30, 2011

Electric Blue . . .


Why hello there beautiful blue hydrangea. Thank you for making an appearance in my yard each summer. I adore you more than any other flower. Okay, maybe it’s a tie with peonies, but I really do love you.

This year you will go in a bucket with me to the beach. You will put a smile on the faces of my sisters and momma as you sit in their rooms on the shore.

You will also decorate my table for the Fourth of July. I hope you don’t think you are above being paired with red and white carnations. I’m pretty sure you’ll make a stunning patriotic trio.

You will be in the guest room when the in-laws arrive in a few weeks to welcome them to our home. Your statement will be, “The East Coast Rocks When It Comes To Growing Hydrangeas!”

And you will be poking through the railing of my porch every day, reminding me to cut you and enjoy you in my kitchen.

You really are electric, blue hyrdrangeas. Boogy, Woogy, Woo.


Apis Melliflora said...

They have beautified the beach house every hour of every day. Thank you!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I bought a hydrangea here and planted it in my yard 3 years ago. It is so pathetic and lifeless and hasn't produced one single flower. It depresses me beyond belief when I see my neighbors with their beautiful hydrangea bushes. I refuse to pull it out because I'm hoping someday it won't hate me anymore and it will grow. One day I'll have a beautiful hydrangea bush. Maybe...

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I bought a hydrangea here and planted it in my yard 3 years ago. It is so pathetic and lifeless and hasn't produced one single flower. It depresses me beyond belief when I see my neighbors with their beautiful hydrangea bushes. I refuse to pull it out because I'm hoping someday it won't hate me anymore and it will grow. One day I'll have a beautiful hydrangea bush. Maybe...

Aiketa said...

Gorgeous flowers!

Kasey said...

Beautiful flowers! They really brighten up a day. Enjoy your 4th of July holiday.

The Nerd Mom said...

I'm so jealous! I have killed numerous hydrangea shrubs since we moved here 14 years ago. I can grow most anything else (and neighbors often comment on my green thumb), but for some reason, not hydrangea's. And I love them!! What am I doing wrong??!

Burton's blog said...

Absolutley gorgeous!

The Queen Vee said...

I feel like this shrub is one of my grandkiddos.

Sue said...

Wow. Those hydrangeas almost entirely make up for having to live with East Coast heat and humidity!

Susan said...

I love Hydrangea's!