June 28, 2011

A Chip Off The Old Block . . .


During the Fifth Grade farewell hoopla, the students in each class are awarded individual accolades.

It seems that Miss Hannie B. is following in her momma’s footsteps. She was awarded Outstanding Writer of the Year for her class. I’ll admit – I was a little bit proud!

She also received The President’s Award for Academic Excellence. In order to receive this award she had to maintain a straight A average for Fourth and Fifth grades, score in the Passed/Advanced level on her Fourth grade Virginia Standards of Learning exams and show proficiency in the core subjects of Math, Science, English and Social Studies.

Way to go Hannie B. You’re a smarty pants for sure.


The Dragonfly said...
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Aiketa said...

Congratulations Hannah! And for sure, apples don't fall far from the tree.

Apis Melliflora said...

She could have also received the creativity award too! Way to go Hannie B!

The Queen Vee said...

She's one smart cute chicklet. Hannie B, you rock.