March 29, 2011

A Hearty Breakfast . . .


Yep! That’s my boy Ollie feeding himself a hearty breakfast. Your eyes do not deceive you – he’s sitting in a car booster seat to raise him up to counter level. We’re cheap like that.  And believe it or not, he will eat all of the food in front of him and then come begging for some of my breakfast or a “waffie”.  My boy puts it down in the morning!

RedDog needed a hearty breakfast today too.  He’s doing standardized testing and he’s taking very seriously his teacher’s advice to eat healthy, play hard and get lots of rest so he’ll do well on the test.  Last night he had two helpings of everything at dinner, including BROCCOLI! I almost fell off my chair.

So here’s what I’m wondering . . . what do you feed your kids for breakfast on school mornings?  We’ve got a pretty regular rotation going on, but I’m always looking for new, quick and easy but healthy ideas.  Keep in mind that I’m already waking up at 6:45 to get the two youngest out the door.  I don’t particularly want to get up any earlier than that as my sleep is very dear to me.

Currently our rotation includes any variation of the following:  cold cereal {of the barely sugared variety – think oatmeal squares or honey nut cheerios}, hot oatmeal, whole wheat waffles, bagels , toast and a piece of some kind fruit.  I reserve pancakes, eggs and the like for the weekend when we all eat breakfast together and I have more time to fix it.

I’d love to hear what you’ve got in your breakfast arsenal. If you leave a comment, tell me what your kids had THIS morning and some of your other favorites.


The Queen Vee said...

My daily breakfast consists of whole wheat toast, fresh fruit, protein (either an egg or 1/2 cup of cottage cheese) a cup of low cal hot cocoa. I'm with Owlet, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Is he left handed?

Marti said...

My kids always have cold cereal on the school days, and get special breakfast on Saturdays...:-)

christy said...

We usually do cold cereal (even the sugar variety- I know, I'm bad). This morning they had oatmeal and some had yogurt. Nothing too exciting. My sister makes double batches of muffins on the weekends and freezes them. Then she pops them in the microwave on school mornings. I have yet to try this myself but she says they warm up nicely.

brendag said...

I am with you on sleep however I get up at 5:10 and make our 16 yr old son eggs. I know it sounds ridiculous! He's a bit on the short side 5'5", he goes to seminary, then school, and then 2 1/2 hours of crew practice. I figure he can use all the protein he can get. Our girls generally eat cold cereal or one of the other things you mentioned...(I would make them eggs too if they asked :) sorry can't help with creative breakfasts.

TracyS. said...

We do cold cereal or oatmeal. The kids love oatmeal. The kids have to be out the door at 7:10 and sometimes they'd rather sleep than eat and I don't really blame them. When we're out of cereal I'll make muffins or coffee cake. We usually have pancakes, eggs, french toast or waffles for dinner (probably once a week.) I tried to serve them for breakfast a few times and the kids kept asking why were were having dinner for breakfast, like it was meatloaf or something. I'll be checking back in the comments because I need breakfast ideas that will get my kids out bed!

Kasey said...

Schwan's French toast sticks, yogurt, fiber one bar, and water.

Apis Melliflora said...

We alternate between oatmeal, cold cereal, cinnamon toast, bagels with peanut butter and apple slices and frozen waffles. Sadly, my two younger kids don't want fruit or protein for I supplement with nuts and fruit mid-morning.

Weekends: pancakes, waffles, bacon, biscuits, leftover pie. So naughty.

NovelTeaMommy said...

My daughter (13 months) eats like that too! ALL DAY! Not sure how she does it :) Her new favorite is yogurt parfaits. Vanilla yogurt with fresh cut strawberries and blueberries. I share, but add granola to my bites :)

The Nerd Mom said...

Maddie had a Yoplait yogurt fruit smoothie (you can buy it prepacked in the frozen section, just add milk & blend). Peyton had a Quaker breakfast bar and Dannon yogurt drink. How's that for product placement? :)

squeezeme said...

Does anyone else get frustrated when their comment gets eaten by the computer! Ugg. :)

Take 2:

Our breakfast menu is much like yours. Last year I did add a few extras for varieties sake: Homemade muffins (I make the batter the night before and then bake in the morning), Eggs (we do have chickens now! Scrambled and Anthon's favorite, Sunny-side-up), and once a week I make Smoothies with spinach (yes, you read that right), yogurt, juice, protien powder, a banana and perhaps a carrot or apple and of course always the berries (so they do not see the green). I've gotten fast at the process and it's a great way to up the veggie/fruit intake.

On the weekends Matt is the breakfast man (my hero)! We enjoy whole wheat waffles, crepes (some have yogurt and berries, other like cinnamon & sugar with whipped cream), or french toast.

Bells said...

This breakfast isn't really labor intensive, but it does have a few steps. Toast and lightly butter english muffins. Microwave your morningstar vegetarian sausage patties, scramble an egg and cook in a pam-sprayed mug in the microwave for a perfect egg patty. Stack muffin, egg and sausage for your very own version of an egg mc-muffin breakfast sandwich. My kids adore this breakfast!

Aiketa said...

Nothing original in my case. If I have enough time to have breakfast at home (it's so hard to get out of bed) I have yogurt with cereals. If not I eat some kind of fruit on my way to the hospital or fruit juice and eat a sandwich during the morning break.

I know my breakfast routine is not the one I should have... but now is what I usually do.

Aiketa said...

Oh and Owlie is a champ eating all his breakfast! :D

lee said...

We are trying to eat clean whole foods as a is difficult sometimes with the kids, but not so much for breakfast. Scrambled eggs and vegetarian sausage patties and greek yogurt. Sometimes a hashbrown. Weekends are reserved for the processed frozen french toast sticks with powdered sugar or cold cereal. A rule of thumb...if the day starts with an "s" you can have dessert or a sugary somethin' somethin'!