December 13, 2010

Why I Love My Town . . .


There are lots of things I love about living in a small town - the parade on the 4th of July, the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving, the historic district filled with old shops in our downtown. And Santa on a fire truck.

It was Ollie’s first year.  We bundled him up and waited on the front porch once we heard the sirens wailing in our neighborhood. Hannie B. was ready too, dressed up like a minky blanky Mary despite recent confusion by discussions with classmates about the reality of the Big Guy in Red.


And then quicker than we could name all the reindeeer, it was time.  The lights and sound turned onto our street.  Ollie began to Ooh and Aah while Hannie B. and RedDog jumped up and down waving their arms.



Before we knew it Santa {who brought a reindeer AND Frosty along this year} had gone by in a flash of red too fast to be caught on film, leaving the kids with huge grins on their faces.


Man, I love my town.

Does Santa do a drive by in your town?

Edited to add: Santa drives down every street, in every neighborhood of our town over two weekends.  He rocks.


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

What a cute blanket Ollie has! :-)

And yes, Santa drives by in the Christmas parade - but out here in the sticks, his transport is a tractor.

Apis Melliflora said...

No Santa Drive By here. Do they drive on every single street in your town? That's pretty impressive!

The Queen Vee said...

No Santa driving down my street, I think he lives in my house though.

Aiketa said...

Here in Catalonia we don't have Santa (on the rest of Spain yes). Instead we have "el tió" on December 24 night. You can read about it at this link from wikipedia:ó_de_Nadal

And then we also have the Three Kings on January 5 night. And usually is from the Three Kings that kids receive big presents. And in all the cities and every little village in Spain there is a parade. I love going and looking at little kids amazed faces.
The parades are usually really beatiful. In my hometown each King has his own carriage and helpers.

I hope you liked my explanation and little bit of culture of traditions from Catalonia and Spain.

TracieCarter said...

Oh how I miss that random event! I seriously thought Nancy Weidenhammer was on crack when she asked me one year if I had Santa's firetruck schedule and what it was! Soooo awesome! One year we even tracked it down at a few extra locations. Leesburg sure is a lovely place and I miss a lot about it - except the home we own there ;)

TracieCarter said...

So what else is on your baking schedule??? I'm still scared of caramels and brittle until I get a reliable candy thermometer - but after conquering my fear of cinnamon rolls, I'm feeling a little courageous! That is until I look at my calendar for the next 7 days! Seriously makes me want to homeschooling so I don't have leave my house in sub-zero weather!