December 8, 2010

Thrifted: Four Nativities . . .

For the second day in a row I have driven to the school within an hour of sending my kids out the door to pick up one who’s lost his breakfast upon arrival.  And a happy holidays to you too.

I need calm. And peace. And less barf.  So today I’m going to talk about something dear to my heart:  nativities and thrifting. Good combo, no?  Thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales are great places to find second hand, unique nativities.


This sweet nativity was a gift from The Queen.  She found it at a thrift store in Denver {thrift store mecca}.  It is porcelain and its figures have a very soft pastel Hummel vibe.  Joseph fell and cracked in half.  But I don’t mind.  It sits at the top of our stairs and I love seeing it as I ascend and descend multiple times a day.


The next nativity was a find at our outing to the Morven Park Rummage Sale.  It cost me $1.50.  When I saw it in an original box, I assumed it must be old. Plus it was gold.  I am a sucker for gold.  The figures in the nativity spoke to me and said, “Take us home. You know you want to even though we’re missing our shepherd.” So I did.  When I opened it, I found out it was made of plastic.  But I don’t mind.




The next nativity holds special meaning to me.  I got it at an estate sale about nine years ago.  It was no ordinary estate sale though – it was the estate sale we held after my grandma passed away.  She had this tiny nativity and I fell in love with it both because it was hers and because it had a great natural looking creche.


The shepherd is also missing from this nativity and the angel’s wing is broken, but I don’t mind.

The last nativity is my most recent find.  I got it at an estate sale when we were in Denver in October visiting my brother and his wife.  It was $15, but it’s Italian plaster and has all the pieces, so I think it was worth it.  I’m in love with its chippy,deeply colored figures.



Hello little lambie.  I love you.


I love wisemen who look like they actually came from the Far East.


And I love that the Baby Jesus is almost as big as Mary.  Could you imagine if babies actually came that size?

Wow, I actually feel more calm now that I’ve looked at all these pictures of Jesus and those involved in his birth story. Do you have a favorite nativity you put out for Christmas?  Do share.


Bells said...

I had a kid throw up this morning too! We have a nativity set that is beautiful and ceramic in soft blues and creams. This set was given to us when Maiya was 2. She was so excited when we unwrapped it and she carefully helped set up each piece. When I got to the baby Jesus she squealed in delight and then ever so gently in her little chubby baby hands she cradled it and kissed it repeatedly. Over the course of that Christmas season she kissed the figure so much that one of his delicately painted eyes faded away. Every year as we put it out for display we see the faded eye and remember a little one's innate love for her savior. Maiya is now 11 and she still loves that Nativity set.

AllisonK said...

My favorite thing to collect, besides fabric and children;)

Your "Italian" nativity is lovely! I enjoyed the stories behind all of them.

Lori Gerten said...

I love your nativity scenes! I also have two favorite favorite favorite nativities. I can't put them up because Auddie girl is into everything but they are in my basement waiting to reappear in a future year. They were both from my mom. The first one is a music box. It's got Jesus, Mary and Joseph on top and it plays Silent Night. The other one I love is the GINORMOUS figurines (like a foot tall) that my mom got us for our first Christmas. It's the whole sha bang of nativities too because all stable animals are represented in this. I'm surprised there aren't any chickens or roosters represented.

It's a porcelain white with gold trim on it. It's gorgeous!

I can't wait to put it up next year!!!!

Again, love your nativities!!!!

Susan said...

My favorite nativity is the one that my Great Aunt gave us. It is simple and I love it.

The Queen Vee said...

Your nativities are just like Mary and Joseph looking for a place to stay, so happy they've all found a new home.
Each and everyone is special and beautiful.

The Queen Vee said...

Your nativities are just like Mary and Joseph looking for a place to stay, so happy they've all found a new home.
Each and everyone is special and beautiful.

Tobi said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who collects nativity sets. I only have three but I'm always on the hunt for more. I love your stories of how you came to own each set.

My first nativity was given to me by Sylvia. It's white porcelain. It's simple and classic.