November 8, 2010

Two Guys, Too Funny . . .


Have I ever mentioned that my Hubby is funny.  Like gut splitting, pants peeing funny.  He makes me laugh on a daily basis.  I blame him for the crow’s feet around my eyes.  I’m sure if I hadn’t laughed so much in the past fifteen years, I’d be wrinkle free.

On Friday I sat with him as he came out of anesthesia after minor surgery.  It was possibly one of the funniest moments we’ve ever shared together.  Especially when he motioned to me to come closer and then whispered, “Hey, come here, I have to tell you something . . . I’m a NINJA.” I guffawed and he replied, “No, seriously, don’t tell anyone, but I’m a ninja!  Watch.  I can make my heart rate go below forty.”  Then he made his heart rate dip into the 40’s and looked at me with a boyish grin and confirmed it, “See – ninja!”

I love him for making me laugh.  And now I love him because he’s a ninja.

My PhotoBro {the one with the Mac on his lap} is also very funny.  He is completely egotistical in a strangely endearing way.  He is random enough to bust out a foreign accent or weird animal noise at the most appropriate {or inappropriate} time.  He’s talented and wacky and a totally insensitive attention monger.  And I adore him.

Lately he’s been sparring with me for one-upping him in the “fame-ishness” department. Which is impossible, really.  I mean how could I be more fameish than someone who works at THE Library of Congress, takes amazing photographs that everyone admires, rides a bike {like a Ninja!}, is almost forty and can get away with a hair-do that looks like this:


We’ve named it the Chicken Hawk. And today I thought I’d share a video with you that proves my Photobro is pretty darn fameish. Click here to enjoy a bit of his fame!

I’m off to tackle piles of laundry higher than Ollie.  And laugh about these two guys the entire time.


Tobi said...

That Chicken Hawk is Rad. I think you are funny too Sam. Give yourself some credit. You are quite witty and you always have a keen retort for any comment.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm pretty legit.
-Chicken Hawk

amy eskew said...

Sam- I agree with Tobi. I can't really remember EVER laughing as much as when I'm with the Carlsons.You guys are all a terrific kick to be around.

Also awesome 'do!!!

Apis Melliflora said...

So there's Boo-chick and Chicken hawk...I see a theme emerging here.

I agree, those two are definitely ninjas-of-funny.

The Queen Vee said...

Funny, outrageous, entertaining people....we are not a boring family. I think "Chicken Hawk" aka "Beaker" is starting the mid-life crisis phase of his life. If the do is the only crazy thing he chooses to do he and we will have gotten off easy.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Very cool video of Chris! Not sure about the chicken hawk, though! :)

Sue said...

Is Travis trying to give Chris a purple nurple?

Amy Lynne said...

Neat video! You can feel his love of life!