November 17, 2010

Sweet. Tart. And Oh! So Good . . .


I have a thing for limes.  In the middle of a blustery fall day, they make me feel like it’s summer.  They make my little vintage juicer happy too, so it’s a bit of a win win at my house.

Speaking of winning – today you are the winner.  Because I feel like sharing some limey  goodness with you.  And you’re gonna want to shout about this one on the roof tops.

The recipe for Coconut Banana Bread with Lime Glaze is from the treasure chest of a cooking website, Our Best Bites. If you haven’t visited, do it now.  You won’t regret it.  And you won’t regret making this bread. It is banana bread to the next level.  It will make you buy bananas just to watch them go brown.  Your people will love you . . . if you haven’t already eaten the entire loaf by the time they get home.

You can thank me later, after you’ve licked the sticky goodness from between your fingers.


Ps. I’m off to the West for a Sister’s Retreat . . . yeah, it pretty much rocks.


Kasey said...

Looks good! Have fun on your retreat!!

AllisonK said...

Just another reason to love you. I have thing for limes. It's serious. I will have to try the bread as I have bananas ready to go.

Emily said...

Looks delish! My west? have fun at your retreat!

Tobi said...

Have fun on your sisters retreat! I can't wait to hear all about it!

The Queen Vee said...

Great photos Samantha.

Dan and Bec said...

I will be trying that recipe, thanks! Have fun at your sister retreat!! Aimee and Liz are coming for Christmas AGAIN!!!! It is becoming a tradition!!