November 23, 2010

Significant . . .


This was the view outside of my plane window yesterday.

It could be very easy to see something like this and feel so small and insignificant. But when I saw this, I felt significant.  I felt like God had put this vista together for my eyes to see.  And I was stunned by the beauty of water, clouds, mountains and rays of light.

I now have one day to pack my family before we leave for Thanksgiving early in the morning.  This gorgeous view is in the back of my mind as a peaceful reminder of how much I missed my life and family.  I will not let fighting, chaos, exhaustion or whining deter me.

I’m grateful to be home.


Aiketa said...

Wow Samantha, this view is magnificent! Stunning!

The Nerd Mom said...

I can never get my pics out the plane window to look this good - shooting through too much "goop" on the window I guess. Great shot!

The Queen Vee said...

Beautiful picture, glad you had such a wonderful time. I enjoyed the kiddos but I know they're happy you're home.

Emily said...

Wow you one crazy traveling mama! I hope you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday! Thank you for being a friend through the years near or far and for teaching me so many things about how to be better wife and mother. Love you!