November 29, 2010

Go Team!


It’s always fun to take our kids to another part of the United States.  Even though we are all part of one nation, each state has its own cultures and customs.

We spent Thanksgiving at a cabin in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee with the Hubby’s sister and her family.  It was a brand new experience for everyone.

Playing Turkey Bowl football on Thanksgiving morning in our short sleeves was AWESOME!  It was almost 80 degrees outside. My kids were grinning AND sweating at the same time.  The didn’t know what to do with themselves!

Ever wonder how to play football with an infant? No problem, we’ve got you covered:


Ever wonder how to coach adults in their 30’s down to kids ages 13, 11, 8, 5 and 2? Not an issue, we’ve got an uncle for that – and he’s tough but effective {if  a Dragonfly can score a touchdown, he’s doing something right}:


Ever wonder what to do if you’re the only girl cousin playing in the game? No problemo. . . just whip your hair and work it:


Ever wonder what to do if your team is losing? Here’s a solution that never fails – disarm the opponents with your cuteness:


Ever wonder how to reward the winners {and losers}? When it’s 80 degrees outside, there’s only one way. It has to be ice cream:


Football in Tennessee on Thanksgiving with Ice Cream.  Not too shabby for a new experience, don’t you think?


Sue said...

When we woke up on Thanksgiving morning it was 27 degrees below zero. Tennessee sounds divine!

The Queen Vee said...

27 degrees below zero, burrrrr.....I don't know how you do it Sue.

Did Owlet score a touchdown?

Looks like your Thanksgiving was a winner for both the Haymore and Lee teams.

Tobi said...

Sounds like a fun and delightful Thanksgiving!

I would be disarmed by Ollie the whole time. No contest there.

Apis Melliflora said...

I love that everyone participated and that you all got up off the couch on Thanksgiving Day, typically a day of slothfulness. Tennessee traditions sound great!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

That sounds just fantastic!!! It was only 15 degrees here in Minnesota. But at least no snow.