January 25, 2010

Big Deal . . .

Here's my firstborn yesterday trying hard to keep his breakfast down before heading off to church. He had a big case of the nerves due to the fact that he was about to speak in front of our entire congregation (about 350-400) for the first time in Sacrament Meeting. It was a pretty big deal. His dad bought him a new tie for the occasion.  He did a remarkable job and we're really proud of him.

Big C had another big deal this weekend as he and his dad backpacked up in the mountains to a cabin for a Boy Scout campout.  This picture actually makes me get a little choked up.  I look at how big that backpack looks on my small boy and realize that in no time flat, it's going to fit him more like the one his dad is carrying.  I really need time to think about stopping now.  Or else I'm gonna be a wreck {or more of a wreck}.
dragonfly signature


Aiketa said...

Oh Congratulations BigC!
And I bet he and your hubby had a great time on their outing this weekend.

Apis Melliflora said...


Sue said...

Slow Down, Father Time!

The Queen Vee said...

Ahh, Chris you were my first as you will be in most things. If the rest follow your example I'll have nothing to worry about.

You're growing up too quickly which means I'm growing older too quickly. There's no stopping time and sometimes there is not enough time to thoroughly enjoy the moment...but i'm glad I found the time to be in church with you on Sunday.

Kasey said...

Big steps!!! Good job on recording the moments!!! I'll be saying these things in just a few years!!

Petit Elefant said...

Awww, that first one is seriously scary. But honestly, once you can speak in sacrament meeting, you can do anything!

jd said...

You guys have 350-400 people in your ward? Man!

(and yes, that's what I took away from this post... I got stopped by that and couldn't concentrate further :)

But also what a great, big weekend!

(and there's really not one fine mid-single young man in that entire group?)