November 9, 2009

A Few Brave Readers . . .

Remember a week and a half ago when I challenged you to take a picture of the messiest spot in your house and send it to me? Yeah, well it turns out most of you aren't into publicly broadcasting your shame on the internet. But I am - especially if it gets me motivated to make it better. Three brave readers did email me pictures and I felt much better about my dirty hub when I realized I'm not the only one who has random collections of junk overtaking my countertops or other horizontal surfaces! Here are the before's and afters:
From Christy in Kansas {I'm loving the stuffed dog}:

From my sister in Ohio {loving the lit cabinetry in her brand new kitchen}:

And here's my space {loving that I've kept it clean ever since taking this picture a week ago!}:

To reorganize my hub, I first cleared off the entire surface, removing all junk to my kitchen table. Then I wiped it down really well and only put back 1/4 of what was there before. Everything else got put away, thrown away or reassigned to a new spot where I don't have to look at it all the time. I love having a large calendar for our family because we have so much going on, but I've already invested in a smaller calendar for next year that will fit on the shelf above the counter so I can have even less clutter on the countertop.

And from Sue in Wyoming I've got a before {look, is that my blog on her computer?}. I'm still waiting for her to send me an after:

Thanks for being so brave Christy, Melissa and Sue.

dragonfly signature


The Queen Vee said...

But will those HUBS stay that clean that is the question?

Sue said...

OK, see, I was waiting for a stellar post on HOW to conquer my clutter. You mean I have to fix it up on my own? I guess I'll have to do that today so I'm not the only one wallowing in my chaos.

Amanda said...

Since you mentioned wanting a new calendar I have to share with you all of this goodness! Decor8 the first four are all different kinds of Calendars. I am still trying to choose which one I am going to get.

Apis Melliflora said...

Nice to see the clean ideal, when faced with the messy real again today.

Sue, I have two friends who helped me: the trash can and the junk drawer.

Thanks Dragonfly for the challenge! It was fun!

christy said...

Thanks for the motivation.I am proud to report it is still in its uncluttered state. Here's hoping I can keep it that way. (At least until we get bombarded with Christmas cards in a few weeks!)

Carri said...

I have many clutter spots in my home. You just reminded me to get off the computer and get to doing it. But blogging is so much more fun.

The Carlsons said...

hAHA, what I love about those hubs is that they are all out in the open. A good reason to keep them clean.

Tobi said...

I too was expecting a spectacular post on how to get organized and what to do with all those papers from school reminding you of important events and such. My hub looks a lot like Sue's.

TracieCarter said...

I took a picture of my stash, but slow internet kept me from sending it. Oh yes, and rather than conquer it, I rearranged the kids' furniture in their room. My stash has grown as a result so the bad pic I took looks pretty tame in comparison :) Sam, I love your posts but wish you a blissful break. Love your posts, but want you to stay fabulous even more!