September 7, 2009

Fourth Grade Fashionista . . .

I gave Hannie B. a challenge to go pick out four back-to-school outfits combining some of her new school clothes with pieces already in her closet so we could have a little fashion show on the last day of summer.
I've tried to purchase things this year that will compliment what she already owns that still fits in from last year. The results (smashing, I might add) are chronicled below. And yes, my girl can throw an outfit together like no body's business.

{T-shirt & cardigan, Old Navy. Jeans, Gap}

{Entire Outfit, Target}
{Striped babydoll sweater, Gymboree. Cargo pants, Children's Place. Flats, Target}

{Velour hoodie & rollerskate T, Gymboree. Capri jeans, Gap. Boots, Norstrom Rack.}


Tobi said...

I love fashion shows! We do this at my house anytime new clothes are acquired. Way to go Hannie B for being such a stylish master of fashion. =)

Shelby said...

I was never that cool in fourth grade! Lucky!

Burton's blog said...

Impressive! We are still working on our matching skills. No joke!

christy said...

Darling, darling! I am impressed by her fashion sense. She did a fabulous job!

Apis Melliflora said...

Hannie B, you are soooo fashionable. I have to go with the pink hightop outfit as my personal fav. How to decide what to wear on your first day?!

Apis Melliflora said...

Make that pink lowtop.

Sue said...

Lily wants to be first in line for the hand-me-downs! Hannah, you look FAAAAAABULOUS!

The Queen Vee said...

Hannie B you are one stylin chick to me, my very own little fashionista...which outfit are you wearing tomorrow?