July 27, 2009

Perks . . .

There are plenty of perks that come along with having a new baby - a free diaper bag full of coupons and formula, two days worth of hospital food {blech}, that nifty water bottle that will end up in a garage sale some day, and stitches in uncomfortable places, just to name a few.

But one perk that is truly a blessing to a new momma is the few days of dinners brought in by friends from church. Our first dinner home from the hospital was a feast provided by my friend Angela and her family. It was delicious and culminated with us gorging ourselves on the above dessert. I think I'll describe it as an individual sized jumble berry pie - and it was oh so fantastic with a heap of vanilla ice cream and a quick spin in the microwave.

So, I think now we should all beg Angela for the recipe . . . don't ya want some?
ps. A little challenge for you DEVOTED readers . . . the Hubby accused me of "smogging" last night. Any of you want to take a guess at what that means? I'll explain tomorrow.


Lori Gerten said...

I think I know what smogging might mean. It has to do with a certain human function coming from the posterior area of the body. If it's not that, I have no earthly idea!

We might refer to it as crop dusting.

Hil said...

I think I've seen that fabulous dessert at Target. :) Yum-O!
P.S. No idea what smogging might entail... hope it's not what Lori suggests... lol

Apis Melliflora said...

I know what "snogging" is and that's pleasant. So I have two guesses:

1) Snuggling non-stop with baby O.
2) Running the house brilliantly despite the inevitable and pervasive post-labor/ newborn sleep pattern brain fog.

Bells said...

Congratulations on your new baby! I think smogging is smooching your hubby while blogging at the same time, sounds like a multi-tasking word to me!

Tobi said...

Sounds like blogging when you should really be sleeping or sleep deprived.

Although "crop dusting" sounds like a pretty hilarious description as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess smogging is pollution of to many blog post for someone to keep up on. If that is the case, keep it coming because I love reading yours. But it's also the reason I only read yours because keeping up on everyone else's bloggs takes to long.

Please find out where those lovely desserts came from.....