May 11, 2009

A Special Request . . .

This was my Mother's Day breakfast. It was super delish - especially once I slathered the french toast with buttah and powdered sugar. Isn't it a lovely feast fit for a Queen? Thanks Hubby for demonstrating your awesome breakfast skills!

I felt the need to give some serious props to my girl Hannie B today since she single handedly had my back yesterday morning when the whole 'breakfast for Mom deal' came to a head. You see, every year my children insist on bringing me breakfast in bed on Mother's Day despite the fact that I truly dislike eating breakfast in my bed. Something about being jostled out of a dead sleep and having hot food shoved in my face with cries of "Eat it! Eat it!" just doesn't appeal to me. Then with blurry eyes I gulp down said food, the crumbs of which end up in the very place I was so peacefully sleeping just moments earlier. Not my favorite.

This year I pulled Hannah aside on Saturday and told her that I absolutely DID NOT WANT breakfast in bed. Instead, I wanted an extra hour of sleep and breakfast at the table with my whole gang joining me. She listened, representing my wishes early yesterday morning. I was snoozing lightly upstairs and heard her arguing with the boys who were desperately trying to get that breakfast upstairs to me. Finally a few tears from Hannie B convinced her dad that she knew what I really wanted and I went back to sleep for another half hour waking to the smell of bacon in the air.

What a great way to start my day. Tell me - how do you feel about breakfast in bed? What was your Mother's Day breakfast like?
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Tobi said...

I'm confused. Why didn't you just tell your Travis that you didn't want breakfast in bed?

On the other hand it was really nice of your hubby to make such a lovely breakfast for you! GO HUBBY!!

The Dragonfly said...

Because the Hubby likes to go with what the kids want to do . . .

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm with you: extra sleep and breakfast downstairs! Plus all the extras (coffee, juice, flowers, napkins) never fit on the already food-laden tray.

Hannie B: excellent persuasion!

The Carlsons said...

Sleep longer and then I'll come downstairs to join you for breakfast. It could be cereal for all I care. I just want sleep. This is the first year that actually worked.

Amanda said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but my friend put this up and you are always referring to yourself as the meanest mom.

Emily said...

What a sweet girlie you have! I'm with you. I do not enjoy breakfast in bed either. Way to go Travo--bacon, eggs, french toast, and FRUIT! I got pancakes, and then I made myself eggs because I wanted them.

Lee said...

No crumbs in my bed, thank you!

We rode our bikes to the local breakfast shoppe...and then went fishing!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

TracyS. said...

Happy Mother's Day to you... I am glad Hannah saved the day. That looks like the yummiest breakfast I've seen in a while- way to go hubby! I personally don't like breakfast in bed either. I prefer more sleep and breakfast at the table.

The Queen Vee said...

Breakfast in bed, I never cared for it myself. Now going back to bed after eating breakfast that's doable.

Hannab B is someone I'd want to cover my back, she's got spirit, smarts and determination.