May 4, 2009

I've Been Bewitched . . .

Perhaps I've seen the "new" Pride and Prejudice one time to many in the past few weeks - it keeps coming on at late hours when I can't sleep. And darned if I don't hold out to the almost bitter end each time to hear Darcy tell Elizabeth that she has "bewitched him body and soul". Sigh.

I can't stand to watch past that part because they slaughter the book by having Elizabeth reveal to her dad all Darcy has done for the family and then there's that stupid kissing scene with the whole "Mrs. Darcy" thing that makes me want to gag. Sorry to ramble - I'm pretty opinionated when it comes to my Jane Austen.

So, the word 'bewitched' has been popping in and out of my head these past few days as we've driven the Virginia countryside which has recently been soaked with rain and is absolutely splendid with Spring's vibrant glory. There is nothing quite like driving a street lined with Dogwood trees painted in pink and white flowers or seeing azalea bushes bursting with blooms. It truly invigorates my spirits and renews my soul. It also makes me sneeze. A lot. But I've got good drugs for that, so I go right on enjoying myself.

Yesterday after a good soaking of morning rain, I headed out into my own yard to take a few pictures of the gifts Spring has brought me. In a few weeks the blooms will have faded and Summer will begin to creep into our state with her humidity and HYDRANGEAS! I am counting on my four hydrangea bushes to give me plenty to smile about in vases around my house as I lounge in the air conditioning in my every growing state. Hope the bounty of a Virginia spring brightens your Monday morning.

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Emily said...

Wow, gorgeous! I'm jealous. You truly live in a beautiful place everywhere you go. Hope your feeling good.

Suzanne C said...

Edward takes some awesome pics! Gotta love a good camera. Of course, the operator's gotta know what she's doing too!

Tobi said...

I suppose your body is preparing you now for the many sleepless nights you'll have ahead of you once Little Prince makes himself known.

Gorgeous pictures darling!

The Queen Vee said...

If I were taking pictures of the blooms in my yard they would all be grass, great grass, but just grass. We are wallowing in rain covered spring green, it is bewitching and that's the truth.

Let me know when you want to watch a three and a half hour Jane Austen flick, I've got one to share with you.

Burton's blog said...

Very beautiful!! I miss Spring :( All we get here is late winter! If a flower manages to bloom before June, the wind quickly tears it to shreds. So thanks for sharing yours!
About the not sleeping, I had a really hard pregnancy with my last, and Tylenol PM saved me! Good luck and sweet dreams!

Apis Melliflora said...

Those pictures are a framed collection waiting to happen!

Late night Jane Austen is another treat...even the bad ones. Wish I could watch it with you and admire some kicking baby. Now that would be bewitching!

Vicki Johnson said...

Hi, I am new! How I love Hostas! Is that a clematis? I live in the desert but my blood longs for the garden I could grow in humidity.
Can you tell me what drugs are helping you? I am really struggling this year with allergies.

Kernal Ken said...

I find it amazing that you should pick the very verb, "bewitched", that was part and parcel of the name we picked for you not so many years ago.

Samantha was the witch on the TV Show "Bewitched."

You'll be happy to know that she was a good witch, not a wicked one.

We were so sure that you would be a boy (no ultrasound in those days) that we had no girl's name selected.