April 9, 2009

Decisions, Decisions . . .

Pink toes or red toes? I'm such a fiery personality - had to go red.

Another stop at In n' Out or be happy eating the freshly picked grapefruit sitting on the counter at the in laws? Hamburger city, baby.

Buy the most beautiful $40 apron at Anthropologie on a whim with pressure from sisters or be satisfied with the regular old aprons at home? I am now a very sassy version of June Cleaver.

Sleep in a just little longer to fight cursed jet lag or wake up and stop the fighting floating up from Legoland in the basement? Nine forty-five is only a LITTLE longer.

Pick up the cheerios RedDog just dropped on the floor or let them harden into fossils to avoid reaching over "The Belly"? There will be no reaching, thank you.

Spend time doing special things with my kids during Spring Break or take time to post on my blog? Sorry folks - that is one decision that was easy to make.

Back next week with all sorts of amazing things to make you go ooh and ahh.
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Lori Gerten said...

I love that you love spending time with your kids. They should always be priority!!!

The Queen Vee said...

Sleeping in after a trip out west a necessity. Thank goodness for spring break.

Tobi said...

I can't wait to hear more about your trip. Please post pictures of alleged sassy apron!

Apis Melliflora said...

Painted toes are a joyful sight! So are the words "spring break." Playing with your kiddos: you chose the right.

jd said...

The right choice. ALL of them. :)