March 1, 2009

Unveiling the Buddha . . .

A sincere thank you to so many of you who have commented on our journey to get this baby here. Writing on Friday was very emotional and reflective for me. I have felt so much love, support and encouragement from all of you in the kind words you have written. Thank you.

As a little treat, today we decided we wouldn't take a sitting down family picture (which so easily hides my expanding waistline). Instead, we've unveiled "the Buddha belly". For those who've asked, I am due July 9th. Hope you enjoy . . . it only gets bigger from here!
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Kasey said...

Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?

The Dragonfly said...

Yep - it's a BOY!

Suzanne C said...

You look beautiful! Boys are awesome!

Emily said...

You look absolutely glowing and fabulous and tiny still!

The Queen Vee said...

Great family photo, you all look fabulous dulling.

chelsea said...

You still look so tiny, but beautiful!! I now know 7 people who are due in July! Crazy!

christy said...

You look sooo cute. So weird that we have the exact due date. I'm due the 9th as well.

Tobi said...

Love the belly picture! Your whole outfit is divine! I'm so happy for you.

Kernal Ken said...

After all these years, I never realized that you were a Buddhist...
But you are a swell cook! Thanks for the pot roast dinner. Enjoy the snow you requested.

Lori said...

Hey July 9th is Phil and my anniversary! Also my birthday is the 13th and Matthew's is the 15th. July is a great month for parties! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm hoping he comes on the
10th! That's my Nathan's b-day. We're so excited for you guys!

Apis Melliflora said...

I love how excited everyone looks in this pic! You all look fabulous!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

This really is cool! Keep those photos coming! You all look so excited and happy. Very cool!

Apis Melliflora said...

I have to add: how clever of you, Budda and Jesus in the same picture.

Dion Seneca said...

I am SO happy for you and your family! You look beautiful!

The Carlsons said...

The funny thing about this picture is that you must be pushing that belly out because I've seen you in person and you don't even look pregnant :-)