March 5, 2009

A Pick-Me-Up . . .

I took a picture of the remnants of my birthday bouquet a while back to use as a little pick-me-up for a day I could feel was coming, but didn't know why. Today is that day, and seeing this gorgeous and happy flower is actually helping to soothe the lowness I'm feeling today. It's just "one of those days".

It also doesn't hurt to know that after snow, sixteen degrees and cloudy the past three days, we are going have 72 degrees and sunny tomorrow. I think my blues are partially due to being cooped up inside for too long. The cure? Tomorrow I plan to get myself outside and do something therapeutic to me - yard work. I'm going to rake and dig and pull and get ready because this lovely green flower is screaming what I feel inside: SPRING IS ALMOST HERE and this Dragonfly needs to get out in it, buzz around and shake off her tired wings.

Hope you are having a sunny, happy day!
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The Queen Vee said...

I'm having a down day too. UTI, really bad hair, another cold seems to be formenting in my head,or is it allergies...who knows....I think I'll take a nap. I could use that flower to put behind my ear.

Kasey said...

Hang in there!!! You're glowing right now! Just look in the mirror! Smile because you're beautiful!!!

Apis Melliflora said...

A day of yardwork in early spring would fill me with great joy too! A little green goes a long way to restoring the soul. Just keep staring at that gorgeous flower... until tomorrow.

christy said...

We have an unusually warm and beautiful day here for March and I just did the same thing (yard work). It made me sooo happy to see my little daffodils and tulips peeking out of the ground. Hooray for spring!