March 16, 2009

A Monday Morning Pleasure . . .

This ceiling and these chandeliers are bringing me a little joy on a gloomy, raining Monday morning. They hang in a most treasured and favorite store in the historic downtown area of my little Leesburg called Ekster. (click on the link to learn about the touching story behind this store's name.) For a time this store moved to another town, but it's now back in it's rightful home and the Queen and I couldn't be happier!

A while back I asked the very talented owner, Caroline Verschoor, if I could photograph her store for my blog. She and her crew have done an amazing job of turning a drab, narrow space in an old building into a feast for the discriminating eye with it's soothing neutral color palette, 20 foot ceilings and inventory composed of antiques and uniques from Europe and America.

A completely neutral palette could be completely boring and flat, but Caroline has managed to use some of decorating's biggest tools to lift her store to amazing levels . . . she has mastered the art of both DISPLAY and use of TEXTURE. Take a look at the following pictures and you'll see exactly what I mean.

It's obvious that the use of natural elements has provided layers of delicious texture in this store. It is a joyous place to visit - a mixture of beautiful music, sights and smells that take me to a very happy place. Oh, and the merchandise ROCKS! So, the next time you're in Leesburg, give me a call - we can stop by together for a Monday morning pleasure!
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The Queen Vee said...

Love Ekster, love Caroline, love to be in her store, would love it if she would come and decorate my house.

Suzanne C said...

Wow! That looks like an awesome store to just get lost in.

Apis Melliflora said...

Pretty awesome store! I'm drooling.

Have to add that the Queen doesn't need Caroline's help. Indeed, the Queen could be an Ekster consultant.

Kasey said...

That is some cool stuff. I"d love to visit that store!

Pinspot said...

I love that everything in that store is gray.

jd said...

That store looks fit for a (the) Queen for SURE!! Gorgeous. Love all the neutrals/greys, and I luuuurrrve the grey ceiling!