March 4, 2009

I'm Strange . . .

Yesterday's poll on babysitting was both enlightening and helpful. I went to bed with thoughts of babysitters on my mind after the Hubby and I poured over all the comments and decided we'll stick with what we're doing. Thanks guys!

Speaking of bed, I have to confess my bedtime weirdnesses (is that a word?) in hopes that someone out there can totally relate.

In order to be able to go to sleep at night, two requirements must be met:

1. I have to have socks on. My feet are like blocks of ice that keep both me and the Hubby shivering all night long if they aren't covered. Some nights I'll slide into bed sockless and there I'll lay for minutes, sometimes even half hours before I have to jump back out of bed and put socks on. I know, I know - I'm a freak of nature.

2. I have to sleep on the cool side of the pillow. What's that you say? You don't know what the cool side of the pillow is? Let me enlighten you. Your pillow has two sides. The side your head rests on, which gets all warm and smooshed and has your drool on it. I think it's the side of the pillow most people use. Then there's the cool side of the pillow - that underside that's touching nothing but bed. When you turn your pillow over and rest your head on the cool side, it is instantly refreshing and lulls you back to sleep. It doesn't matter if your Hubby has turned the heat down to 65 during the night or that it's 14 degrees outside - the cool side of the pillow is ALWAYS a welcome relief. Of course, in the meantime, the cool side becomes the warm side and vice versa, the drool has time to dry and you have to switch over to the new cool side during the night. Now I'm a superfreak - right?

Except that I'm not, because apparently there are "groups" on Facebook that you can join if you support using the cool side of the pillow. Just ask my mom. She's a member of one of them. Anyone else got a super freaky/geeky sleeping thing?


The Carlsons said...

First, I think it's interesting mom is a member of a facebook group for the cool side of the pillow.

My only comment to this is Jonah would be a member of the cool side of the pillow club and often ask me to turn his pillow when I go in to give him a kiss.

I like socks on when I go to bed.

But, Strange you are not. I think everyone has a quirk when it has to do with going to sleep.

Apis Melliflora said...

I don't like to be touched when I'm sleeping: seems more freakish to me than pillows and socks. And I need at least two pillows.

NovelTeaMommy said...

I have to be completely warm in order to fall asleep. That can include socks and an extra blanket if the Mr. isn't going to bed at the same time! I hadn't given much thought to the cool side of the pillow, but I do that also. Hmm, a quirk I didn't know I had; THANKS.

And my main reason for coming today,
I remember in a post where you siad you buy old scrabble games for the tiles. I thought you may like to have an extra use for the board as well. Hope you enjoy.

Julie said...

I flip my pillow often, too. The other thing is that I CANNOT have my sheets tucked in at the bottom. CANNOT. They must be loose. The reason for this is probably due to my biggest sleep quirk of all: I've got the Jimmy Leg. I must shake my leg to go to sleep. This quirk may require me to have my own bed if/when I get married.

Tobi said...

This is a funny post Sam! I have the exact opposite foot issue. My feet are always hot and so I NEVER want them covered by socks or the blanket.

I've never thought about the cool side of the pillow.

chelsea said...

I think you need one of these:
We carry them at the office I work at for our breast cancer patients, but the owner SWEARS by them and sleeps with two every night.

Emily said...

Funny! I don't sleep well with socks on, but I have to put chapstick on right when I get in bed. I don't use it during the day, but I have to have it on my lips at night.

C and Co. said...

Okay, after reading the post and then the comments, I am a freak in countless ways apparently. I have unusually cold feet as well so I do the sock thing...however, here in the beloved desert when it's 95 degrees in the middle of the night, I have to rid myself of the socks and have one foot hanging out of the covers to cool off. I don't know why, but the one foot out cools me right off. I don't do the cool pillow thing but I can't stand it when someone "warms up" my side of the bed by laying on it before I get in it. I also can't stand to be touched while I'm asleep. I've almost thrown myself out of bed to avoid the hubby's stray foot. Oh, the weirdness just goes on and on...

Natalie Meester said...

I too love cold pillows and my feather pillow gets nice and cold.

When I have a tummy ache, I put a cold compress on my tummy.

When I sleep, I sleep with 5 pillows.
One for my head, one for in between my knees, one for my belly..kinda scrunched up against it and slightly leaning on it, one for me head to lay on, and one to cover my ears so I don't hear the kiddos talking as they are trying to get to sleep or my hubby snoring@!

I also rub my feet together till I fall asleep...that sounds very weird I know!

jd said...

I have to sleep in an ENTIRELY dark room-- even the minor glow from an alarm clock is too much, I cover it when I turn out the lights (using my sleep mask, which is always on hand in event of random night light emergencies). But that isn't really freaky, it's just good sense.