March 9, 2009

An Accidental Fun Friday . . .

Traditionally I torture my children with after school snacks of the healthy variety. They request candy, I counter with carrots. They ask for chips, I offer string cheese. They're looking for cookies, and I bust out the apple slices. It's all part of my scheme to maintain the title of Meanest Mom on the Planet.

Last Friday was different though, and my kids couldn't have been happier. I took on the mundane task of cleaning out our very minuscule and always overflowing pantry to make room for a few new purchases from the grocery store. What I found in the pantry were several boxes of almost gone snacks that were probably two days past being stale. As I started to empty the meager remains of the boxes into small bowls on the counter, an idea pretty much formed itself: an after school snack bar! (and of the variety my kids actually enjoy!)

The leftovers of Costco trail mix and a box of Honey Nut Cheerios.

Cheez-its, Nilla Wafers, and the world's oldest mini-marshmallows (which were devoured in seconds, much to the chagrin of poor teeth).

And at the end, some popcorn and OH-MY-GOODNESS-HAS-SHE-LOST-HER-MIND? - the last four Samoas. (It's okay people, I've finished off three whole boxes all by my little ol' self.)

Go check out your pantry and clear out the dregs. You might just make some one's day after school.

Ps. Yes, I wiped down my counters just for this photo shoot.


NovelTeaMommy said...

And this is why you can't hold on to that Mean Mom title! Once you relent, it's over; there is no regaining the title : P

Forget kids, this is a snack idea that will rock my husband's world! I might find myself enjoying it too. Don't tell anybody, 'kay?

Tobi said...

Oh my word my kids would dance with joy if I had those snacks lined up for them as a snack. Great pictures!

Kasey said...

This is awesome. Waste not, want not!!! Good job, and how fun.

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm drooling over all those terrible for you, but tasty snacks.
Even the meanest mom in the world
takes he tiara off every once in a while..speaking from MMIW experience here. Hope they enjoyed every last crumb!

The Queen Vee said...

Those cherubs totally deserved this smorgasbord of snackdom. Can't we all use a little TLC and pick-me-up in our lives?

christy said...

I love it. I agree that taking off the Meanest Mom title sometimes has its perks. The snacks look oh-so-yummy especially displayed on your sparkling counters in those cheery bowls. I wish I had been there after school. By the way, how was the game on Saturday?

Hil said...

Is it too late to ask you to save me a Samoa? :)