March 10, 2009

About That Talent . . .

Had to show off a new necklace I received last week as a better-late-than-never birthday gift. My fab sis-in-law Mindy, who lives and creates beautiful things in Denver, sent it my way. Isn't it AWESOME??? She has pounded my signature line by hand onto the necklace and the little dragonfly charm makes a sweet chiming sound as it hits the disc when I walk. It's a happy sound!

She's become an adept jewelry maker and I now own several of her hand crafted creations. I think this one might be my favorite though! It is so personal.

Mindy is contemplating starting up her own little business making these necklaces and other jewelry to sell. Won't you sound off in my comments section and let her know that she's got some serious skilz? Thanks! (And thanks Mindy . . . you rock my world.)

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christy said...

Yes, Mindy, you do have some serious skills. If you get a business up and going, send the address my way and I'll make a few purchases. I love the necklace.

Suzanne C said...

Definitely go for it! I love jewelry like this!

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm standing in line at the virtual counter already! Go Mindy!

Kasey said...

What are you waiting for. Start you line!!!

The Queen Vee said...

Mindy is not called Mindilicious for nothing, she is deliciously talented. Start producing and selling Mindy.

Jue said...

How sweet... I love that necklace.
Mindy, I'm gonna be your regular customer if you make it online delivery.

Susan said...

Love Love Love the necklace! I think Mindy should definately look into selling her creations.

Pinspot said...

Aww, thanks guys! If the economy were a little better, I'd open up shop today. As it is, it doesn't seem like a smart move right now. I'm waiting a few months to see if my husband keeps his job, so check back in the fall! If I do decide to go into business, I'll do a little giveaway on this blog!

Tobi said...

Go Mindy! Whose says you can't craft with the best of them?!

chelsea said...

Set up shop online, I want to buy!!