February 27, 2009

How We Got To This Point . . .

This picture of my little family was taken when the RedDog was only 5 months old, back in November of 2003. After a turbulent summer, we had finally adjusted to life in a new home with a new little fellow who charmed us all. And so we have remained, just the five of us, for the past five and a half years.

About two years after this picture was taken, The Hubby and I knew it was time to bring one last brother or sister into our brood. How did we know? Just a feeling - a feeling of being incomplete. A feeling of being ready. A feeling of joy at the prospect of tiny fingers and toes to hold and a sweet little head to cradle. It was a very real feeling.

When we learned I was pregnant in October of 2005, we were beyond thrilled. We waited about 10 weeks before we shared the news with our families as a Christmas surprise. Two weeks later, I miscarried for the first time. I have never written about the sorrow and anguish of that experience, possibly because it is too hard to even put into words. I remember feeling very numb and quite disconnected from myself. There came a point in my grieving, where I could not process what had happened anymore and I realized that I needed to turn my feelings over to Jesus Christ, who had suffered my pain already and knew how to handle it. With that decision came an immense healing and an added measure of empathy for those I had known who had also suffered miscarriages. How could I have not realized their pain? Only by feeling it myself did I finally understand it.

We moved forward, still believing fully that we would have another child join our family. Days, weeks and months went by, but for some reason, my body did not want to get pregnant. I kept reminding myself that instead of focusing on that one negative, I needed to enjoy the three rambunctious yet beautiful kids I already had and see all the positive things that were happening in my life.

In April of 2007, we finally received happy news - I was pregnant again. This time, the pregnancy only lasted 6 weeks. This second miscarriage was much easier than the first. I wasn't as far along, I knew what to expect and I had insulated myself against the prospect of another pregnancy that might not end well. We did not tell many people that I was pregnant, and consequently, not many knew about the miscarriage. I preferred a private sorrow the second time and relied on my family for support.

As many of you know, in December of 2007, my father was diagnosed with throat cancer. I have often looked back at the timing of things and wondered how I would have been able to help my parents if I'd had a newborn baby at the time of his diagnosis. I do not believe in coincidence. I know that our Heavenly Father knows all things and can see the grand scheme of my life in ways I could not imagine. Having this knowledge has truly been a saving grace for me as we continued to struggle to have a child.

And so it came to be that a woman who had three successful back to back pregnancies with no complications entered into the category of "infertility case". Some may wonder, "Why continue to try and be disappointed when you already have three kids?" I understand why people might think that. I know there are numerous couples who struggle to have even one child, and my heart aches for them. But for us, it continually came back to that feeling - that feeling we had that there was one more spirit waiting to join our family. We could not deny that feeling because it had been very strong.

In July of 2008, with another year of no pregnancy behind us, the Hubby and I decided it was finally time to discuss infertility options with my doctor. Since I was 35, I was given the lovely label of AMA or advanced maternal age. Helpful. Really. My doctor told me that due to my age and history, they would immediately refer me to fertility doctors. This was a little overwhelming. I knew others who'd gone that route and had vast and various invasive tests done over a lengthy period of time. I knew a cousin who'd just had quintuplets! We really had to ask ourselves how bad we wanted another baby. And then we proceeded.

After setting up appointments and filling out 25 pages of paperwork with fantastic questions like "When did you first recognize your breast buds beginning to form?" (I can't remember, but it was later than most and I am just as embarrassed to admit it now as I was to be flat-as-Kansas back then, thank you very much) we waited for the day to come when we would have our first consultation.

Two days before the consultation I received a call from the fertility clinic informing me that our insurance was going to cover ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the process - not even the consultation. I would therefore need to show up with $5o0 the next day for the consultation and everything thereafter would be out-of-pocket. I tearfully called the Hubby and relayed the message to him. We both knew at that point that our hopes of help from fertility doctors would not be realized.

This event marked a turning point for me in this journey we had been on for three some odd years. I felt released. I felt myself letting go of the dream I'd had. I felt myself reconciling and taking account of my life. I realized that I could no longer be consumed with the singular thought of another child. I knew that I had to give myself to my family now and not keep hoping for a family-to-be that frankly wasn't going to be. And eventually, I found myself one day on my knees having a conversation with God, telling him that I was okay with it. I had realized His will for me to was to be the best mom I could to Big C, Hannie B and RedDog and that I wanted to do what He wanted me to do. That was my renewed promise to him. I wept out of sorrow and then out of joy because I felt like He heard me and was happy with my decision. Then I went downstairs and did the dishes.

Two weeks later, I found out I was pregnant.


Nikki said...

I also dealt with infertility. I got pregnant really easily with my first, but then when it was time for number two. It wasn't working out. It's a really hard thing to handle on your own. Especially being LDS we are taught from a young age that the most important job is being a mom. I also had to deal with the "I should be happy I've got one, at least." Not fun. I now have four beautiful children! They were able to figure out my problem and pills that luckily my insurance covered (cuz it's not only linked to fertility) fixed it. I'm happy for you and Congrats!

Cheri said...

What a beautiful blog! I'm so sorry for the sorrow of your miscarriages. I have struggled through that also (I was 16 weeks) and you are right...unless you experience it, you just don't understand. You are also a beautiful example of what can happen when we turn our lives over to the Lord and fully trust in his plan for us. What a miraculous blessing he gave to you! I wish you the very best with this pregnancy and I pray it will be easy for you! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your beautiful story and for being a wonderful example to us all!

Apis Melliflora said...

What great plans God has for you, Dragonfly!

christy said...

Thanks for sharing your touching story. It brought me to tears. I am so happy for your sweet little miracle.

Kasey said...

Thank you for sharing. You are just as beautiful inside as your are on the outside!! When I read stories like yours it only strengthens my testimony that God lives and he hears our prayers. Have a great weekend.

Tobi said...

I can only think that this new little boy has a reason for coming now. I'm so happy for you Sam. Thank you for explaining some deeply personal issues with all of us.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with all of us who read your blog. Wishing you only the best over the next few months.

Lori Gerten said...

Chills. I have chills reading this because it was beautifully crafted and rich with feeling.

Isn't it interesting that you were ok with it and then He answered that with a new one on the way? Gotta love the Big Guy!

Congrats again!! I can't wait to see pictures of him!

Jessie said...

Congratulations!!! I had no idea you had this struggle...I am so happy you've been blessed with the chance to have another baby like you so desired. Thank you for sharing your story. What's so fun about this news is that I think we are exactly the same number of weeks along. I was 20 weeks last Tuesday, but have to wait another 1 1/2 weeks to get my ultrasound. I'm so happy for you guys!!!

Kernal Ken said...

In addition to being a great writer, and your many other talents, you are first and foremost a great Mom, a loving wife and a wonderful daughter.

We've been on the journey with you and marveled at your courage and conviction.

Another grandson will make seven to accompany the five granddaughters. We are so blessed.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Congratulations friend. I'm sorry I've missed out on the announcements over the past few days. I've been in my own little world.

Love you.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Sam, thank you so much for sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings about your journey for another child. It was so beautifully written that I have tears rolling down my face! This baby will bring you so much joy. I am so happy for you!!!

jd said...

I love you


Hil said...

Beautiful. Just like you. Hugs!

C and Co. said...

WOW! What a wonderful story (I say through my tears). I am SO GLAD you get to complete your family. Man! The power of faith!!

Julie said...

Congratulations, Sam!!! Man, I haven't read blogs in a couple days and look what I've missed! I am so happy for you and your family. And I'm so happy you shared your story. I think women need to know about other women's struggles so that we don't all think we're alone in our trials and that everyone around us has perfect lives. I still think you're pretty close to perfect, though. :)

chelsea said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing story. I have a friend who has been going through the same thing for over 4 years now. It took her years to get the first one and its been years of trying for the second. I can't imagine the pain. Congratulations again! ♥

Susan said...

Thank you for sharing this in writing. I was in tears reading this entry in your blog this morning. Your love and trust in the Savior is a wonderful example to all. You are truly an inspiration to all who are in your life. You know that I am soooo happy for you, Travis, Chris, Hannah and Soren!

squeezeme said...

I love you Sam and am so excited to know who this little soul, who has been waiting so long to join your family. What a blessed little boy he will be to have you as his mother.

Lori said...

Miracles still happen...we love you and are thrilled to have a new member of the family to celebrate. Give yourself a hug from cousin Lori.

lee kriel said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Just catching up on your entries and loving the news!!! What a beautiful story! And your thoughts are shared by me who also has three beautiful children and has tried as well to add just one more gift to our world...but time is running out (or ran out!) and I too am embracing my loves!

At the rate I am going I will be 50 and preggers (Yikes!)

Congrats! My best to your family!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I had no idea all that you had to deal with. I can sympathize with the infertility, miscarriages, and general "What now?" feelings. I know in my own battles, hindsight proved to reveal all the "why's". Each one of these kids is a precious miracle even when they cost $10,000 and tell you that you are the worst mom ever because they can't have Pepsi like all the other kids!! Congrats, and good luck with the newest.