February 26, 2009

And The Winner Is . . .

The winner is me and my family!

After five and a half years, many tears and heartaches, we are finally having another baby . . . and it is a BOY! (not to be named Edward).

The winner of the little guessing contest, however, is Stacey Gerlach Moe. Sorry Emily, but you already knew our news . . . talk to the Queen, I'm sure she'd make you a card.

The collage was of all the foods that have gotten me through the last twenty weeks.

Stacey, send me your email on facebook and what occasion you want the Queen to make you a card for.

I'll post more on our very exciting news tomorrow. Thanks for playing along!


Amanda said...


Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

This is incredibly exciting. Do you need any boy clothes? My little guy is growing so quickly that I have a ton of them!

chelsea said...

Congratulations!!! I can't believe I didn't guess!!

chelsea said...

oh...and belly pictures please!!

Apis Melliflora said...

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yahoooooooooooooooooooooo!

I'm thinking of nicknames already.

Sue said...

Oh Sam, I can't tell you how happy I am for all of you! I'm sure Hannie B was hoping for a sister, but if it'll make her feel better, tell her she can play dress up with him until he's old enough to know the difference.

What a blessing! The year of miracles continues...

TracieCarter said...

Darn, I missed the guessing game! Oh well, I was already disqualified. But I was dying to know what you were having and had just been thinking about it intently the other day. I finally concluded it was going to be a boy for some reason so I'm so excited I was right! Do I get a Queen V original for that? :)

And you better keep us posted on your bump watch because I'm just so curious to see you get round! No doubt you'll be the most stylish glowing prego in town! CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!

Lori Gerten said...

YAYAYAYAYYAYYAYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYAYAY! How exciting. I never would have guessed and I'm so happy for you all!!!!!

C and Co. said...

SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED FOR YOU!! From what I've gathered in bits and pieces, it's been a long journey. Take care of you and much love to your expecting family.

Lori said...

Hey Lee Family- I heard your fabulously exciting news from a wonderful Aunt, so my guess would not have been completely fair! We are so thrilled for you. Three boys and a girl makes an awesome family...we ought to know! Take care of yourself and enjoy every minute of this little miracle!

Dan and Bec said...

AHHHH! Congratulations! That is so great, I am so happy for you and anxious to hear more!

Hil said...

That is great news, Sam! Congrats to you and the family. :) How you kept this quiet for 20 weeks is amazing! Lots of love coming your way, girl.

Kasey said...

Congrats!!! That's awesome that you could keep it on the down low for so long!! It was 6 weeks for me!! Trying to decide if #3 will come soon? I just don't know after a day like today!!!

Emily said...

Yeah I figured I'd be disqualified, but you can't blame a girl for trying for a card from the Queen. Another boy, how wonderful. Can't wait to hear more.

Ruby Red Slippers said...


LJB said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you! And WOW, you're a good secret keeper, I can't believe you're 20 weeks and just blogging about the GREAT news!

christy said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you. What a lucky little boy to add to such a great family. Hooray for the Lees!

jd said...

y'know... i was lying here, just having finished watching the Dark Knight, thinking about you (no correlation), and it suddenly came to me--

your riddle has/had something to do with you being preggers!!!

so I just logged on to find out and, ah-HAH, I was right! (but I guess I would have been disqualified anyway)

I am SO glad you're having a boy-- you can tell HB that another person thinks it's way more fun growing up with brothers, too (girls wars? HORRIBLE) -- and the world needs good men so terribly, I think it's a fantastic blessing that my stellar friends will be raising them.

although... this means he probably won't be named after me, then? Rats.

(when are you due, btw?)

TracyS. said...


TracyS. said...
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