January 11, 2009

Minus One . . .

This photo represents what many of our Sundays are like around here. Our dad/Hubby was gone from 10:00 a.m. until almost 7:00 p.m. today for his calling in our church as a member of the Bishopric. I miss him when he's gone. The kids miss him when he's gone. It's not always easy to get us all ready for church and have my good Christian feelings intact. But, regardless, I'm really grateful to be married to a man who is willing to sacrifice so much of his time to help other people, and especially to help the Lord. He's a good man.

We missed him when it was picture time, but I convinced the kids that holding up a picture of him (hot one too!) instead of a stuffed dog with hair the same color as his would do for today.

The Hubby and I are now decompressing from a very busy day by sitting next to one another on the couch and partaking in a very rare occurrence - reading for pleasure. His book of choice: Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Mine: The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde. (a recommendation from the Queen.)

May you have a wonderful week ahead!
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The Carlsons said...

Funny that you held of a picture of Travis. Hee Hee. It made me giggle. I'm glad you took this idea from Liz. It's a great idea. I may someday use it myself. Hope you are getting rid of your headache and having a nice evening.

Emily said...

Oh I can so relate, not with the all day thing, but with the no hubby on Sunday morning thing. Very Hard I know. Like the picture though. Nice touch!

The Queen Vee said...

Clever you found a way to get the Hubby in the picture. He fits right in and I think Chris is tickled to be the one making that happen.

Some Sundays don't seem like a day of rest at all.

Kasey said...

That is great to include him with his own photo!! Cute family.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I'd like about doing the photo thing for my husband except that it might ruin the BIG REVEAL! in a month or so. Were it to be a little longer, I might steal that idea too. :-)

Apis Melliflora said...

What a great example the Hubby is setting for your two young men.
He's got a great smile in the pic as does the rest of the fam!

Pinspot said...

Hmmm, I'm reading a Jasper Fforde book, too! The Eyre Affair. It's not at all what I thought it'd be based on the title. How was your book?