January 6, 2009

The Geek Factor . . .

I feel giddy because I'm about to unveil a fact about the Hubby that will increase his Cool/Geek factor exponentially. Even better is the part about me just learning this tasty morsel over the Christmas break. I cannot believe he's hidden it from me for almost 14 years of marriage AND a year of dating. (I may have dated him sooner if I'd only known . . .)

As the RedDog opened a gift from one of his aunts on Christmas morning, a little gasp of joy escaped from the Hubby's mouth. I immediately saw a gleam in his eye and realized he had just mentally claimed the gift as his own. It was a shiny red yo yo.

After all the present hoopla died down, the Hubby grabbed the yo yo, tore off the packaging and began dazzling us all with his mad - and I mean MAD - yo yo skills. He was walking the dog, goin' round the world, putting the baby in the cradle, sending it up its own string, putting it to sleep, etc.

Meanwhile, I was planted there, watching with my jaw firmly planted on the floor. I did not know the Hubby could yo yo. I didn't know he had this hidden talent we could have been flaunting for years at parties and for cousins. In our kids eyes, his Cool Factor just went way up.

"Oh yeah," he calmly tells me. "In fact, I started a yo yo club at my high school."

And there's the Geek Factor. I'll just leave it at that.
(ps. In all fairness, I'll share a geeky fact about myself tomorrow.)


Kasey said...

My hubby too loves yo yo's. When we were on our mini vacation he came out of a store with a $15 yo yo!!!

The Queen Vee said...

Yo Samantha, yo hubby is one cool dude. Yo might have to loan him out for birthday parties. I was impressed with his yo-yoing repertoire

Jodie said...

Can I just say that I love your blog!! Happy New Year!

Emily said...

A "yo yo" geek, who knew? I'm going to have to ask the "husbird" if he knew? Gotta love finding out a hidden talent.

Emily said...

Hey I asked the "husbird" and wha da ya know he knew your hubby can yo yo.

TracieCarter said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! He really was holding out -but what fun to have such a great discovery after all this time! Love your blog!!!

Apis Melliflora said...

A geek in my eyes is a gem. Geeks are passionate about some strange and wonderful things.

The Hubby's ranking as geek just went way up for making your jaw drop and suprising you 14 years into your marriage. May he always surprise you with cool tricks!

Lori said...

The laughter just keeps coming. That is extremely hilarious! Maybe Phil could teach him a few break dance moves and the two of them could do a routine at the next reunion! HA! HA! HA! Life is just full of sweet surprises isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I knew the redhead could yo-yo but a high school yo-yo club? Trav..... Come on man!

Lori Gerten said...

Yo yo yoer's rock! How fun to still keep the surprises coming after all these years!!