October 23, 2008

A Friendly Pink Reminder . . .

As if the aisles of Target, with their pink clad frying pans and can openers, aren't enough . . .

The crazy dragonfly lady is putting out a little reminder that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Please take a minute or two today to do a self breast exam and if you're over 40 go get those mammies grammied! I am tired of cancer! Help a sister out by checking up on your own sisters, mothers and friends and passing this reminder along!

This fabulous pink pumpkin has now found a home at my friend Linnea's house. The fact that she is still here is reason enough for me to type the word breast a few times on my blog! Thanks to "On A Whim" for selling these pinkolicious pumpkins - 100% of the proceeds going directly to breast cancer causes.

Now for some silliness. Here's a quick tag of FIVES I got from my friend Hil over at Boyer's Blah Blah Blog (sorry about the spacing . . . Blogger is giving me a headache today):

Five things I was doing ten years ago (1998):

1. Trying to get an eleven month old (Big C) to sleep through the night.

2. Unpacking boxes in our first house in American Fork, Utah.

3. Making big life decisions - should Hubby get MBA, should we have another baby.

4. Locking myself out of the house with baby still inside.

5. Feeling young and able to conquer the world!

Five things I have to do today:

1. Go to the eye doctor . . . again!

2. Buy groceries.

3. Do six loads of laundry.

4. Post on the blog.

5. Call someone special on the phone.

Five Snacks I Love:

1. Chocolate.

2. Cheese Doritoes

3. Marshmallow Popcorn

4. S'mores

5. Cashews

Five Things I'd Do If I Were A Millionaire:

1. Pay for my Uncle's Cancer Treatment

2. Buy a house with a laundry and mud room

3. Buy my husband a new car

4. Take my entire family on a really great vacation

5. Put a chunk away for the kid's college

Five Places I've Lived:

1. Provo, Utah

2. Heidelberg, Germany

3. West Point, New York

4. Leesburg, Virginia

5. Fort Knox, Kentucky

Five Jobs I've Had:

1. Teacher

2. Doctor

3. Chef

4. Chauffeur

5. Maid

(oh wait, those are the jobs I have now)

Five People I Tag:

1. Shoppin 4 Shoes

2. Kasey at Beautiful Mess

3. Ruby Red Slippers

4. Becky Barnhurst

5. Audrey Carlson Supermom


Tobi said...

Mammie those gammies? I love it! Thanks for doing the five things tag. It's so fun getting to know more about you!

Emily said...

Thanks for the reminder! Love those pink pumpkins.

The Queen Vee said...

At some point cancer touches everyones life. We need to be aware, need to self check, need to support those in the fight, need to donate to the cause, need to remember those who fought the good fight but didn't win. We need to be grateful for each day and love those we love most. At some point cancer touches everyones life.

Apis Melliflora said...

Pink pumpkins are beautiful, so is the person holding one. So are the many women who've bravely fought breast cancer. So are the people who've loved and supported them during the fight. I echo your sentiment: think pink and grammy those mammies!

LJB said...

Thanks for the reminder! My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor so we are serious PINK lovers!