September 25, 2008

From Spoky To Spooky . . .

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have an O!(wait, are there actually guys reading this blog and if so, speak up!) Thanks Queen Vee for coming to the alphabetic rescue! And thanks me, for giving you the O on a gift in the first place!

Several of you requested a tutorial on how to make the Spooky Banner. Since I love you so very much, I am going to comply. But first I need to make two things clear:

1. This project was so easy, I'm embarrassed to show you how I did it.
2. This is not one of those tutorials where you get stunning photography for each step. In fact, I had a really hard time photographing my own hand doing some of the steps which resulted in blurry pictures and the missed photograph for one step altogether! (When you figure out how to take a picture of YOURSELF sewing, let me know!)

Step 1: Cut 81/2 by 11 scrapbook paper of various seasonal patterns in half. Find the middle of the short side of each half sheet and draw a triangle from that point to the opposite corners. Repeat for as many letters as you have in your word. (For SPOOKY I did this six times.)

Step 2: Use expensive Martha Stewart craft punch that you got on ridiculous clearance to cut lovely edge on black card stock triangles that are about 3/4 inch larger around than paper triangles above. Sorry, no exact measurement here - I totally eyeballed it. You could also use decorative scissors to cut your edge if you don't have a Martha punch.

Step 3: Cut out six craft paper brown card stock circles with pinking shears. I traced my circles with a milk glass.

Step 4: Assemble paper and card stock triangles using glue stick. While that is drying, learn how to use the focus on your camera.

Step 5: Glue black glittery chipboard letters (bought at Target) to card stock circles using hot glue gun. It will look like this:

Step 6: Attach foam squares to the back of the card stock circles and place on triangles. This gives a nice raised relief effect to the banner. Make sure to put the circles low enough that your ribbon (last step) won't cover them. If you don't have or can't find foam squares, you could just use a glue stick and attach straight to the triangles, but it looks better with foam.

Step 7: (Sorry no photo) Sew black satin ribbon along top edge of all triangles. I sewed along the top and then the bottom of the ribbon so it would lay nicely when I hung it.

Your finished product should look something like this:


Shell in your Pocket said...

So CUTE! I love it! The ideas could be endless..thanks for sharing!
-Sandy Toes

Apis Melliflora said...

"Spooky" is the prefered Halloween word for the pea-pickers around here. That sign is even the perfect length for that window. Very cool. Another word with two "O's."

Tobi said...

I bow down to your craftiness. Your way talented. Thanks for the tutorial.

Julie said...

Super cute. But you lost me at "sew".

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That seems really easy-I love it! I needed the tutorial!

Sue said...

Ditto to what Julie said. The scrapbooky stuff I can handle, but I'm a complete moron when it comes to sewing machines.

What other fun stuff do you do around the house for Halloween? I'm trying to decide how "into it" I want to be this year. Maybe I could blow up a huge print of Dan's chainsaw injury and make all the little kiddies look at it while Dan revs the chainsaw in the background. Hmm....

The Queen Vee said...

Samantha it looks spookalicious!

But......I think Sue has one upped all of us with her chainsaw Halloween idea.

C and Co. said...

I am dying to try this. In fact, I went so far as to visit Target in search of letters--which brought me to my first of, I'm sure, many questions. What size are your letters??? The ones I found seem small.