September 23, 2008

The Dating Game . . .

I'm sure we're pretty behind on this one, but the Hubby and I have finally decided to get our act together and take each of our three kiddoes out on a date once a month. Just one parent and one kid - activity of their choice (within reason) and no other siblings to interfere or one up or tattle on or trip or make faces at or pick fights with - you get the picture.

I got to take Hannie B out for the inaugural run of Kid Date Night while the Hubby took the boys to baseball practices. She chose an evening with Chinese food and craft making in the Queen Vee's "workshop" which I've decided just might be where all crafters want to go when they die. A little slice o' crafty heaven it is, and my artistic prodigy daughter knows it. Every time we go to the Queen's, H.B. begs to make a card or a sign or just inhale the ink from the many stamp pads and roll in the glitter.

We laughed at the attempts to use chopsticks during dinner and both admitted that Daddy is much better at it than we are. We sucked on lemons (so bad for the enamel) and made our "sour faces". We talked about school, new friends, piano, things and people in the restaurant, whether we'd ever have another sister in our family.

It was truly enjoyable to have this singular time with my daughter. I'm usually so busy managing the three that I don't get much one on one time with them. Now I know that I need it. I've always known that they need it. I learned many things that night and I think my little girl felt pretty special.

This is going to be a very good new tradition.

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The Queen Vee said...

I love that Hannah loves chinese food. Looks like she's doing a pretty good job with the chopsticks. Date's with the kiddos, now that's a very good idea. To bad this first one had to end with Dad and boys being locked out of the house for an hour....burrr, it was a chilly evening.

Apis Melliflora said...

This is a great date idea. I know I would love it if my mom and I ordered Chinese and made cards together alongside the Queen in her crafty room. That would be heaven on earth for me.

The Chinese looks yummy.

LJB said...

One on one with each kid is the BEST! It is amazing how much of a confidence booster it is for the child! And what's even more amazing is how much they can talk when they aren't being interrupted by a sibling! My kids love their special time alone with each of us!

PS You won't believe who I ran into at Alyssa's school the other day! Jamie Mooring's wife! They live really close to me!

jd said...

some of my favorite memories of childhood were that one-on-one time... nothing specific, just remembering when I got to be the important one. My mom used to spend individual time with each of us on Sunday afternoons; the other two kids knew they would just have relaxing alone time in their rooms until it was their turn. Also being the only daughter for a long time, I needed this! One-on-one was automatic with my dad since we would fly to visit him separately, but even to this day and in mass visits, he makes sure to continue that tradition.

Good on 'ya, Sam... :)

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is a great idea! I have done that a few times with my older boys. It is a special memory...

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I have great hopes of doing this kind of thing with the kids. I even attempted it - but the whole "what to do with the others" kinda became overwhelming. This will become a must-do when the husband makes his triumphant return.
And I can guarantee that Sparky will insist on Chinese. (Or McDonalds)

Ruby Red Slippers said...

You've been tagged...come visit my blog...