Last night I ate this for dinner - and unfortunately it was just the fries, nothing else.

I finished my three course meal off with these bad boys for dessert because it's a crime to let leftover frosting go to waste!

Last of all I decided to go for it and watch this IN ITS ENTIRETY (4 1/2 hours) instead of the Republican National Convention. (Please don't shoot me Dad and Shar)

I crashed at 1:45 AM and barely made it up to get the kids off to school this morning.
If you couldn't tell - The Hubby is away on business. This is how pitiful my life would be without him. Miss and love you, honey!
My stomach LITERALLY growled when I saw the fries and then the icing graham-cracker combo. That was just cruel. Sounds like you had a fun night. And with all the kids in school, you can take a nap today!!!
I LOVE North and South! Good movie choice.
The only thing missing was some chocolate and another bachelorette to keep you company!
Where do I sign up?!
Julie, You're supposed to be encouraging me to exercise, not condoning my poor behavior!
Hi! I found your blog through Joy's. I love the idea of having the kiddos hold up a sign saying the first day of school - very cute! I also like that you live like a bachelor while your honey is away - I do the same. I miss him when he's gone but its fun living like that for a night. Ha! Ha! Need another yummy treat? Try mixing hot popcorn with M & Ms that is what you needed during your movie. YUM!
What's to complain about, clearly a perfect evening in my opinion, except for the lack of chocolate.
I think you'll be able to view the rest of the Gaskell inspired flicks before the hubby returns. Maybe ya better come up with a better eating plan though.
I so know how you feel. Unfortunately I have gained 10 pounds just this year. I have to have a new plan or I will be in competition with the Good Year blimp. Love the movies though. If I come up with others I will let you know.
Well you almost covered all of the food groups----the icing looks like strawberry so that should count as a fruit, right?
So i clicked on your blog from wilkinsonquints page... and your blog looked cute so i read a little and i saw your blog on your chi. I too am a full believer in the chi... really I don't know what I did before we did had them. So I thought I would share with you about the chi hair dryer!! makes life even better... Look into it. it is worth it!
I'm still trying to get over my disappointment that you didn't watch the RNC...
or eat chocolate
btw - your bag has been cut. now it must be sewed...
Graham crackers and frosting with a tall glass of milk are my favorite treat ever!! We have those a lot! By the way, you've done it again! I'm constantly inspired by your blog. I'm determined to buy some spray paint and paint the cabinet I've been dying to paint for the past month now. I'll post a pic when I'm done. So, I was noodling around on your blog again and clicked on your cjane link not knowing what it was, only to discover that Stephanie is a sister to a mission buddy of ours that we knew was in town recently to see her but had no contact info for. So, through cjane, I found his blog and contacted him. are amazing!! Thanks!!
awesome, love N and S, just watched Jane Austen regrets on youtube-very good-all 10parts. B is in Germany and I'm snuggling with a spider a huge one in my bed, nice. I could go for some salty fries about now-since I'll be awake all night-they are always soggy here. So glad to hear about Linnea! and I thought it might get easier to send kids to school but maybe your baby is the hardest of all.
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