August 13, 2008

Waking from Dreaming . . .

I feel like I owe an apology. So, sorry to anyone who regularly reads this blog. I didn't mean to take a blogcation, but I did it! I actually put down my camera, avoided the keyboard and didn't think about posting a single thing for an entire week. Instead of wondering if each little treasured moment was "bloggable", I just let my life happen in all of it's grandeur and glory. That may sound a bit presumptuous and a whole lotta cheesy, but it's very true. I have had a marvelous week!
My brother Matt and his wife -the fabulous Mindy- only come out here once a year. They haven't been here since November which was B.C. (before Cancer). They've been here for the past two weeks and my priority has been spending time with my family.
Being together with the whole family for the first time since my dad's cancer diagnosis was really special. I enjoy my siblings so much! They are all really amazing, funny talented people and being with them is my version of a 'happy place'.
I could never begin to give an entire rundown of what we did together, but I will say it involved a lot of food, a lot of story telling, a lot of laughing, a lot of sitting on the parents fabulous screened porch enjoying gorgeous weather, some serious sibling bonding, some game playing, some photographing by the big bro, and just general good natured teasing.
To wrap the reunion up, we spent a day at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania riding roller coasters and kiddie rides until some of us (Sorry Big Chris) were completely sick to our stomachs. I managed to snap a few pics at the park - although none of my brothers or the Hubby - to show you what the end of a family reunion high looks like. I'm especially proud of my dad who walked the whole park with us and did a lot of baby duty so we could indulge ourselves on silly and serious rides. What a champ!
I love you family!
ps. Thanks Tobi for waking me from dreaming . . . I'll try to do better.

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Julie said...

I don't blame you. Sometimes real life happens without the need to blog about it. I loved the pictures but was perplexed by the warm jackets in August. That sort of thing is unheard of in Texas. By the way, the word art on my blog was created on

The Queen Vee said...

The past two weeks were a dream come true. I love my children, my grandchildren, my siblings, my husband, my extended family, my friends, my new friends. I guess I'm feeling good about the whole world, hmmm, maybe not Obama.

Anyway it is amazing what a lot of family love and bonding can do for ones prospective.

I'm becoming quite contented.

Tobi said...

I feel so special! Thank you so much for satisfying my blog cravings. I'm so glad that you had fun with your family. They are a fun bunch to be around.

I bow down to you oh great editor of Dragon Fly!

Apis Melliflora said...

All's well that ends well in this midsummer dream. It was as you like it with the whole family, no love's labor lost, and what's more: thrill rides and chocolate too!

And all this rant about not blogging, well that's just much ado about nothing.

The Queen Vee said...

Clever apis melliflora!

Might I add that our winter's tale was feared like the tempest but then another tale unveiled itself measure for measure at times seeming to be a comedy of errors.

As you so eloquently stated, all's well that ends well in this our midsummer dream.

Lori Gerten said...

I love family too! I read that post excitedly because without our families we would be lost!

Sidenote: I love Hershey Park! We live in Carlisle, PA in 86-87 and we went there a few times. They had a ride called the round up and I would get on it, get off when it was over and run to the front of the line again. I LOVED THAT RIDE!!

Hil said...

Does it really smell like chocloate? :)

Crazy Granny said...

With all the bonding you have been doing we should call you Bond, Samantha Bond. 00Heaven.