August 17, 2008

A Lazy Summer Weekend . . .

After much of the hoopla that has surrounded our summer, this weekend we finally spent some time doing a whole lot of nothing. The Red Dog has carried on our end of summer curse by contracting walking pneumonia. It seems we can't say goodbye to summer without one of the kiddoes getting some great illness. Big C is still on his Lyme's antibiotic and now the Dogger gets to be in the mix with an antibiotic and the 'fighter pilot mask' three times a day. He's a good sport though, as long as he's got a fresh stash of Star Wars books from the library.

The Hubby fulfilled a summer wish by taking all three kiddoes fishing on Saturday. Each of my sweeties caught two fish - here is a picture of the biggest catch of the day. (don't laugh - it's a fish!) Thanks to our GCU uncle for the great T-shirts from our reunion!

The last event of the weekend involved me heading into the historic part of our town to take some pictures of a church that actually has some family history in it! Isn't that crazy - that I could live in this town and not know my connection to this church?! It was fun to go enjoy the beautiful brick church. My favorite part, of course, was the little cemetery right on the church property. It was a lovely visit and a lovely weekend.
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The Queen Vee said...

Red Dog looks like he's bonding with Papa Ken and the Mask of Snorro.

What summer? Actually it has been the best summer of my life?

Apis Melliflora said...

Hard to decide which pic is best:

A) Young Jedi Red Dog
B) Proud fish-catching, summer-lovin kiddos
C) Gorgeous historic preservationist

The force is clearly with all three!

Tobi said...

Oh my goodness we will pray for little Red Dog and Big C. It must be miserable to be sick during the summer when all that free playtime is available.

Rachael said...

Us, too! Mackey is on the couch fighting a fever. Sigh. I try hard not to mention that he brings this on himself by putting a myriad of weird things in his mouth still. Uh, yeah. He's FIVE.
I hope yours get better soon!