June 23, 2008

Growing Up Before Our Eyes . . .

There are days as a parent you hope never to see, and then there are days like we had this weekend - days that you wish and hope will come, but when they do, make you realize that your kids are growing up too fast, time is hurdling forward and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

My buddy "C" mowed the lawn by himself for the first time on Saturday! I was actually surprised to see him up at 7:45 AM since we'd stayed up til 10 PM the night before to watch "Camp Rock" as a family (hee hee), but he wanted to go out and help his dad, so I didn't make him go back to bed. It is pretty exciting to think that I may not have to mow the lawn again for awhile. Now I've just got to get over the fact that he's not going to do it in perfect diagonals . . . until he's been trained by the master. (Insert wink here.)

Later the same day we headed over to the ball field one last time to hear the announcements for the All Star Baseball Teams. Here's "C" as the announcements are being made (I shot this right after I made him quit biting his fingernails out of nervousness).
And here's "C" after they announced his name as an All Star and gave him his new hat. He may have been on a team this season that only won ONE game, but we're really proud of the fact that his hard work, ability to be a leader/team player and love of baseball were recognized by others. He really is growing up before our eyes and is such a fine young fellow! Love ya buddy!

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Tobi said...

I cannot believe how big "C" is!! It's crazy that he is old enough to mow the lawn now. Where did the years go?

The Queen Vee said...

Hey, little or not so little slugger, way to go getting on the "All Star" team, we've always know that you are a winner. Can't wait to see you play this Friday!

I was also told that you helped papa mow our lawn too, WOW! In the words (mutilated by me) of Simon and Garfunkel, "slow down, you're growing too fast, we've got to make your childhood last"