April 8, 2008

A Little Miracle . . .

Even though we cannot seem to get another human baby to come live at our house, we have succeeded in getting four bird babies to live on our front door! Our very concentrated efforts to use the garage door over the past week (with the help of a very obnoxious sign on the front door) have indeed proved careful enough to allow momma and daddy bird to nest and hatch four very fuzzy creatures with bulging but shut eyes and wide open mouths!

We didn't even know the eggs had hatched until my mom accidentally used the front door today and asked "Do you think there's still anything up there? Maybe a squirrel climbed up and got the eggs." A quick check by me on a chair and we were all ooohing and ahhing over the new arrivals. Soren was especially excited to take a peek into the nest and called his dad immediately to tell him the news.

Unfortunately, I think the hatching was the easy part. Now all four babies have to survive life in the small nest together and we are just hoping they don't bump eachother out due to lack of space. The landing would be a very, very long way down and made of concrete. Please cheer for our birds to make it . . . especially since Soren has named one Tweety.
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Sue said...

Can't wait to show this to Lily when she gets home from school! I'm going to help in her class today and she is SO excited to show me the baby chick that hatched in their class.

Hope your "secret business" is going well. I'm hoping for baby news!

chelsea said...

i definitly think you need to build a little bed at the bottom of your doorstep just in case they do fall! hehe! cute little birdies :)

Tobi said...

You can't distract me with pictures of cute birds. Although they are adorable. I'm still dying to know the 411.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

That's the coolest thing ever! How fun for your kids to be able to see all that action right on their doorstep.

Lori Gerten said...


that is so sweet that the birds hatched! They are so tiny!

WHat a good birdie mama you are!

The Queen Vee said...

Bird babies, human babies, dog babies.....they're all so sweet and vulnerable. Those bird babies have good parents,they are trying very hard to protect their new little brood. I felt badly that I scared them all, new parents don't need that kind of stress. They're pretty safe up in the nest as long as someone doesn't open the door. Keep it locked against crazy grammies. Tweet sleep for the new babies.

Jodie said...

Spring is here!