January 2, 2008

Holiday Wrap Up!

If I figured this out right, there should be a little slideshow of our holiday adventures on the sidebar of the blog. Check it out! Just click on a picture if you want to see it more closely. (And let me know if it works!) Highlights not already touched on included:
  • Fun table decor for our Christmas Eve dinner. (eventually moved to buffet so puzzle putting together could commence)
  • Class "Holiday" partys!
  • Bowling - a Carlson Family Christmastime tradition.
  • All of us donning Audrey's crazy New Year headgear, standing out in the freezing cold and watching Uncle Chris and The Hubby try to live up to Uncle Matt's Stadium of Fire (works).
  • Playing cards until almost 1:00 in the morning while eating Peppermint JoJo's, Nutty Popcorn, Yummy Crackers, and anything else we could get our hands on that had been dropped into a vat of sugar or butter.
  • My favorite picture is the last one of the three guys asleep on the couch . . . which is what we all wanted to be doing on January 1st! Lucky them.


Kernal Ken said...

Looks like we had a great Christmas and New Years although I think we ate tooooo much.

The Carlsons said...

Great picture show! I think that's the way I need to do my Bermuda pictures. It was so fun spending time with you all this Christmas/New Years! Let's do it again soon! A

Tobi said...

I love the pictures! How did you add a slide show to your blog? That is just too cool! Holy Crow your house is beautiful!! I feel shamed and I must go decorate.