September 10, 2007

An Uninvited Guest . . .

I'm one of those people who has to go to the bathroom first thing every morning. (Sorry if that's too much information, but it's totally pertinent to the blog!)

So there I am this morning - 6:10 a.m. - using the bathroom, when I look across from "the throne" and see something that causes me to scream loudly and run, pants around my ankles. I stumbled out of the bathroom, waking the Hubby who swooped in to save the day.

I know, I know, you're thinking I saw a spider, right? No! And I hate spiders, but I've actually gotten better at killing some (okay, really tiny ones). This was no spider!

Because there, perched on a small table in my bathroom, which is on the SECOND floor of our house, was a TOAD. A real, live, lumpy, bumpy, brownish green TOAD. The Hubby carefully extracated our visitor with the help of some toilet paper, then he swiftly made a beeline for the front door.

It's been about 6 hours since the incident, and I'm okay now. There's just one thing we're all trying to figure out . . . HOW DID THAT TOAD GET INTO OUR SECOND FLOOR BATHROOM??? There are no windows that open, our bedroom door was closed. If you have any idea, please leave a comment.

And just in case you're wondering, I kissed the real prince, for getting that phony out of my throne room!


chelsea said...

i dont know how the heck he would get up there, but thats some scary stuff! haha!

Rachael said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I am so sorry!!! I shuddered when I read this. UGH!!!