August 20, 2007

Top Ten Things I "Heart" About Hershey Park . . .

10. Clever system used to determine who can ride which rides. The Hubby and I were Jolly Ranchers, Chris was a Twizzler, Hannah a Hershey Bar and Soren a Reeses. At the front of each ride is a pylon labled with the candies that can ride that ride. Awesome and so easy!

9. Combination amusement park and water park, inlcuding tube slides, lazy river, white water rapids ride (soaked) and a ride called Tidal Force, which is like Splash Mountain on steriods - bring your swimsuit - YOU WILL GET WET!!!

8. Miniature versions of grown up carnival rides - for kids only: The Scrambler, The Pirate Ship, The Tea Cups, Those Swings That Make Me Barf. I actually think there were more kids only rides than rides we could all do together! So great!

7. Instead of beautiful women dressed up as Disney princesses and short dudes in furry animal costumes, you get anonymous people dressed up as . . . CHOCOLATE! It's so much tastier! And who doesn't want to hug a giant box of Milk Duds?

6. Kiddy Swap, which enabled the Hubby and I to ride all the killer roller coasters, without waiting in line twice. We just never got to ride them together.

5. Skeeball. Also known as Christopher's sick little gambling-like obsession. He managed to plunk almost $6 in quarters into the thing (at a quarter a pop for nine balls) and won each of his siblings a stuffed puppy.

4. Free Hershey's candy. Who can resist a free Hershey bar after riding the Chocolate World tour ride? Not me! Or a free treat after you've measured yourself to determine your candy height! Genius . . . Sugar 'em up for the day.

3. Monorail at the end of the day (10:45 pm). Even though they were plum tuckered out, my kids still giggled when we whizzed past the actual Hershey Chocolate Factory, where many, many people were still working, and saw that the street lights were shaped like Hershey's Kisses.
2. Christopher on Roller Coasters. The kid has got some serious kahonas! If it weren't for the Strep Throat that kicked in halfway through the day, I think I might have convinced him to ride the Great Bear with me(see picture at top). Maybe next year. Oh, it may be a tie on this one though - Christopher's first outing on the Bumper Cars was HI-LAR-IOUS!
1. Smiley kid faces = Happy Parents = Happy Day -- and way less obsessed parents and crying children than Disneyland.
Enjoy the pictures . . . and notice there are NONE of me. (Classic case of the photographer never getting photographed.)


chelsea said...

that looks like SO much fun!! i love it!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I know I'm a little late to the party on this one Sam, but the "kiddie swap" concept is also at Disneyland in case you are there again. (It sounds like maybe you didn't avail yourselves of it.) It's called a "baby switch pass" and you just walk to the front of the line where the fast pass people are standing and ask them for one. Then you can go back in again without waiting at either the exit or the fast pass entrance. Anyway.. you know where to find me if you want more info and you prolly won't even see this comment!!