August 24, 2007

Link Larkin - Ladies' Choice

The Hubby and I finally went to see Hairspray last night. What a fun movie! Seriously, my feet were tapping nearly the entire time. And if my feet weren't tapping, it was because I was too busy laughing - which is always a good thing.

I really needed a date night since I've been cooped up for four days with a sick and grumpy nine year old. A little John Travolta dressed as a woman and Zac Efron with a seriously slick hairdo just about made my night! Check out the video above for a little taste of the fun this musical included.

Major props also go to Queen Latifa as Motormouth Maybelle, Elijah Kelly as Seaweed, and James Marsden as Corny Collins - who by the way dances JUST LIKE the Hubby! :) For those who haven't seen it yet, I should warn that even though it is rated PG, it is NOT a movie that I would take children under the age of 12 to see due to adult themes and some suggestive sexual innuendos, as well as a few mild swear words.

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

HILARIOUS! I still can't wait to see it and we had hoped to catch up while in NH but it wasn't playing. As a fellow musical lover, Ryan hoped I waited to see it with him. Seen Pirates of Penzance? It's his favorite and he was a policeman in a high school production of it :)