June 13, 2007

The Perfect Father's Day Gift - Almost . . . Twice . . .

I thought I had this year's Father's Day all figured out. After all, my husband is one of the BEST dang husbands and dads around and I wanted him to feel the love! So, I've been plotting for a little while now on how to make it a great day for him filled with showering of the gifts, good food and a little you know what else.

My first purchase was a power edger. It's a spiffy model than can convert to a landscape trencher should the hubby ever want to cut out planting beds or lay some landscape lighting. What man doesn't love a power tool, and especially one with a kick butt name? I know mine loves his "Leaf Hog" blower - so I was real thrilled when the edger had an equally manly name of "Edge Hog". You gotta love Black and Decker for thier ingenuity in naming the tools.

I got the edger the day Hubby left for his business trip. I was glad I'd gone to the Home Depot when I did as they only had one left (other wives planning ahead for Dad's Day?). I brought the edger in and left it in the kitchen while I scouted out a place to hide it - it isn't small! Before I knew it, Hubby's flight had been cancelled and he was standing in the kitchen saying, "What's this edger for?" Pan to me with my head down saying in a sad, defeated voice, "Happy Father's Day?" Ugg! So much for planning.

But, I still had a few tricks up my sleeve, or so I thought! I've been planning for weeks to have the kids each make a stepping stone for their dad with thier hand or footprints in it. We've already finished RedDog and Christopher's and they turned out fabulous! (Pics to come) The plan was to do Hannah's today. Of course in a classic 4 year-old moment, the first thing Soren blurted out when he saw his dad this morning was, "Daddy, I made a stepping stone for you!" Pan to me with my head down saying in a sad, defeated voice, "Surprise." Drats! Foiled again.

Now I'm down to my last trick, which I cannot disclose for fear that the Hubby might read the blog and then I'd have nothing. Alas, I will still make him cinnamon rolls, treat him like a king, and then there's the you-know-what - which really isn't anything new - and that's something, right?

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love this pic of you and RedDog!