May 17, 2013

Can We Talk About This?


On Sunday the Hubby took a few Mother’s Day pictures of me with my kids. This was my favorite.


Clearly it’s not because it is a flattering picture of me! It’s because I think it captures how mothering often feels to me . . . like a big, fat CRAZYTRAIN!

But I love it. My job is hard work. I don’t feel appreciated very often. There is no employee of the month here, and usually my bonuses are paid in the smallest of increments – an “I love you” here or a “Thanks, Mom” there. I don’t clock out at the end of the day. My job is 24-7. The idea that mothering stops once the kids are in bed is false – else why would I be filling out their school paper work at 10:30 and getting up with the midnight crier?

When I feel tired or frustrated by mothering, I simply have to remind myself that mine is THE MOST IMPORTANT JOB OF ALL.

I just read this yesterday and it pretty much sums it up for me: “What other career could claim as its end product the elevation of a human soul?”

That’s what I do. I work every day to elevate four souls.


Kernal Ken said...

Beautifully written, as usual.

I noticed in this picture a marked resemblance between you and Megyn Kelly of Fox News. Check her out at 1:00PM each weekday.

She is smart, sassy and just plain funny — just like you.

Sue said...

I'm loving your curly hair.

Being a mom is hard. I hope I will someday have as positive an attitude as you do. Love you!

Unknown said...

Ugg. My first reponse was erased!

I grew up with an above ground trampoline before the nets were invented and have the BEST memories with my siblings, cousins, dad, uncles, mom, and LOT of neighbors kids! Not a day passed (except for Sundays) that a neighbor kid was knocking on our door asking to jump on the trampoline. (My mom would just make sure they had a permission slip from a parent on file.)

As a parent we bought one when the girls were young. In TX we had an above ground with a next and not in UT we have an inground.

All together I've lived with a trampoline for 30 years and have only seen one broken leg (my daughter! :) And that was from the many balls they were using on the trampoline to play a game. She landed on one and snap!

The trampoline is a kid magnet which I LOVE because I want the neighbor kids at our home and in our backyard! AND I want my kids to move their bodies more and use digital devices less!

Kernal Ken said...
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The Queen Vee said...

I love your hair curly, straight, short and long.

You are a wonderful mother, you are very good at your chosen profession. It's an ongoing eternal job, it never ends although it does change.

Apis Melliflora said...

It's my favorite job...and the hardest.

And my mother's heart has given me a glimpse into how God loves all his children.

TracieCarter said...

Love this, especially the end part! Beautiful thought that totally rings true. I'm going to post your quote - where'd it come from? You're an awesome mother and I'm so glad you share your journey! Love you!

Aiketa said...

Your photo brought a huge smile to my face. It transpire happiness, love, cheerfulness... I can't erase the smile when thinking of the photo!

Such powerful words about motherhood. I think it must be really hard, but at the same time really rewarding. I really look forward to the day I will become a mother and to start working on elevating a soul.