April 9, 2013

Skipping Spring?


Only four days ago it was thirty-two degrees outside, we had our flannel sheets on the bed, and I was still wearing my fuzzy socks to bed at night.

Today, it was in the mid-eighties and tomorrow it is supposed to be eighty-nine degrees outside.

We skipped Spring here in Virginia and I’ve got a problem with it.

I am a four seasons kind of girl. I need each season for specific reasons. Fall brings crisp evenings, crunchy leaves and Halloween night just chilly enough for some warm spiced cider. Winter, well, on a good year it brings snow, rosy cheeked children and me curled up with a good book by the fire or in a hot bath. Summer is time for the pool, A/C and popsicles – anything to beat the heat!

And then there’s Spring. The season of rebirth and renewal. The most beautiful time of year as everything greens up, flowers bloom, the temperatures are mild and the birds are singing happily in the trees. It is the time when my children shed their winter selves and get back outside to nature. It is just a happy, happy time.

Bummer. I love Spring. Hate it for my allergies, but love it for just about every other reason.

These two days of intense heat will send all the trees and flowers into overdrive and instead of getting to enjoy their beauty for any extended period of time, I will suffer the worst allergies I’ve had in years.

How about you? Is it Spring around your parts? I heard it snowed in Denver yesterday.


Apis Melliflora said...

We have an extended spring with lots of rain and 50 degree days. As a result, most don't plant flowers in the ground until after Memorial Day.

I hope the Virginny weathers offers up at least a dozen 70 degree days for you!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

No spring here yet. In fact we are going to get 10 inches of snow in Minnesota. And as Owlie put it the other day, "today I not happy." :)

Erin said...

I'm on day three of skirts with no stockings in NYC but that is going to change tomorrow :(

The Queen Vee said...

Virginia's spring is absolutely beautiful but extremely short :-( Today my yard is burning up but cooler temps are expected, the question is, "How long will they last?"

Sorry about the allergies, I fear it pretty much comes via my genetics.

Aiketa said...

In Barcelona we've been having Spring weather for about two weeks. I love it! I went to the park to read the other day and I think I will do the same this afternoon.

I don't like Summer that much, for me it's always too hot if you can't live in the water, so it's always too hot! ;) Last year's Summer fortunately was more of Spring that Summer. I was happy! :)

I hope the temperatures get down a little bit and you get to enjoy Spring as much as possible, with not much allergies symptoms.

P.S: Here I am again! I have plenty of catch up to do!