April 29, 2013

Finding Beauty …


One of the main reasons I write this blog is for the selfish purpose of self discovery. More specifically, I write to examine and find the beauty in my own life, which might otherwise be seen as one of mundane stay-at-home-motherhood.

I am constantly inspired by the idea that we can find the good in any situation. That despite our circumstances, we each have the ability to choose to be happy.

I have been giving extra effort to the idea of making happiness, joy, love and service a conscious choice each and every day. I have found that when I wake up with a will to be and do positive things, I cannot help but see beauty in my day.

There are situations, which by there very nature, are not pretty. But even in those situations, I am trying to find the tiniest piece of goodness – the silver lining, if you will.

On Saturday, Big C was mowing the grass outside. He ran in, told me to grab my camera and led me to the fence where a large dragonfly was resting. I have to admit, when I first saw it, I thought,"Ew! I don’t want to take a picture of that thing. It’s hideous.”

But upon closer examination, I saw its intricate and extravagant wings. They were so amazing, so detailed, so lovingly and wonderfully planned by a Creator who does nothing by accident. I couldn’t help but feel His love in the beauty of the dragonfly’s wings.

So I snapped this picture.

I hope no matter what is going on in your life, you know that God’s desire for you is to be happy. And He will put people, things, and experiences into your life to help you see beauty and know His love. Sometimes it may not be apparent. Sometimes you may have to dig deep to find it. But trust me, it is there.

I’m so glad I looked past the ugliness of the dragonfly to see the beauty of his wings.

Tell me, what’s beautiful in your life right now?


Aiketa said...

Before starting reading your post I had to stop and admire the photo for a while. Wow!!!
So incredible and beautiful.

I think like you Samantha, there are good and positive things in every situation. Sure sometimes it's more difficult to appreciate them, but if we focus on them, we will see there are there.

Today I was happy that when I raised the blinds (I'm not sure if this is correct) this morning, the clouds were gone and the ski was blue! :) It had been raining since last Thursday... Just in time for a rooftop lunch and theatre rehearsal tomorrow! :)

The Queen Vee said...

Despite my weepy itching eyes and stuffy nose I can't help but love the beauty of a Virginia spring. Right now, after some much needed rain, everything outside is bursting with a spring green color. A Virginia Spring is heavenly, gorgeous....Virginia wearing her best and most beautiful gown. It is simply breathtaking and for me that is literal....never-the-less I still love it.

Kernal Ken said...

One of the little specks of beauty in my life is a daughter who calls herself Dragonfly, but doesn't want to photograph one.

This confusion causes her hair to curl out of control...

Ronalin said...

The most beautiful thing in my life right now is the tumbling and kicking of my baby to be born in 4 weeks. Even though this is baby #5, I am still astounded by the creation of human life and the miracle it is. I can't wait to meet this little one, I'm getting so excited!

Hil said...

Awesome! Am I the only one who wants to see a picture of the whole dragonfly? :)

Apis Melliflora said...

I've looked at and admired this stain glass window several times today. Um, I mean, dragonfly wing.

I was thinking about another the lesson in beauty this wing offers: the closer we look at things, people included, the more we appreacite the stunning impact of their particular kind of beauty!

You are killin' me with your awesome pictures by the way.

jd said...

WOW that's an amazing photo...

JulieB said...

You took this picture? Amazing!

christy said...

I love that Big C has your eye for noticing the beauty around him even while doing a chore that some might find less than enjoyable and that he was thoughtful enough to stop, run in and find you, knowing you may appreciate it as well. It says a lot about the young man he is.

Aiketa said...

As Hil, I also thought I wanted to see the whole dragonfly... ;)

I love your father's sense of humor! But I must add that it confused me a little bit too to learn that you didn't like dragonflies in real life... I always asumed that you do! hahaha

Ok, so off to class I go!

Emily said...

First of all, what an amazing picture! Second, these are just the words I needed to hear today. Thank you!