April 16, 2013

Comprehending the Magnitude of the Suckage …

This is the Meck Family. Our Meck Family.

Seven years ago they walked into our church on a sunny Sunday in May. I knew the minute I saw them that we would be best friends. God whispered it to my heart.

You see, I had been praying for a friend. For myself, for my Hannie B, for my RedDog. A true friend. And there they were. God placed them right down into our neighborhood and into our lives.

I even had the audacity to tell Ronalin, whom I’d only met two minutes earlier, “I’m going to be your new best friend.” Creepy? Maybe. But I knew it from the start.

We’ve been inseparable ever since.

And now they are moving far away. The sadness that will occur in our home when they leave cannot be measured. They are a part of our daily lives.

Ronalin and I are kindred spirits. She is one of the truly good people in this world. And she makes me laugh the gut and side splitting laugh of true friendship. We’ve been through a lot together. A whole, whole lot.

RedDog and Chris Meck have been best friends since they were three. Two sweet boys who want to do what is right and can rely on each other when other boys are being stupid and mean.

Hannie B. and Abby (or Abbykedabby, as I like to call her) are two of the cutest, sassiest girls in town. They love being goofy together and I love that they can be themselves around each other.

And then there are Lucy and Owlie. You’ve seen them. They are our miracle babies – both conceived after trials with infertility. They love each other fiercely. Owlie can’t imagine a life without Lucy, so when I tell him she’s moving, he can’t wrap his brain around it.

When they leave, we will be empty.

Today is Ronalin’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Nin. I’m so glad I get to have one last birthday where we’re together! You are an amazing friend, mom, wife, and sister. I really lucked out when I prayed and got you for a friend. You really are the best!


The Queen Vee said...

Life changes can be heart wrenching and difficult but I know you'll get through this as will your kiddos. We grow and learn things about ourselves through these transitions. Best part is, you will still be friends for the rest of your lives.

Apis Melliflora said...

Looking ahead, I anticipate a time when your paths (and/or your childrens' paths) will cross again...geographically. And won't that be grand!?

There's also the Ollie & Lucy wedding. =)

You will stay in touch and stay life-long friends! Of this, I'm sure!

TracieCarter said...

Ah shucks! So sad!!! They headed back home? Love them too, but my heart breaks for you, Sam!

Ronalin said...

You know you are not suppose to make a girl cry on her birthday. Love you too dear friend...my prayers were answered also when our families met. Thanks for thinking so much of me and always being there. I had such a great birthday lunch and I will always cherish our friendship. You know that I am hard to get rid of, and moving doesn't end anything! Okay, except for the times you drop by and see me in my pajamas. You are a true kindred spirit and friend! Love you!

Aiketa said...

Oooooh I'm so sorry to read about that. It's not fun to not have your best friend as near anymore. But as Apis and Ronalin herself said, I'm sure there will be many reunions of the Lee and Meck family! And of course, after the wedding, you will be family, so even one more reason to stay in contact!

Yesterday began the period of time (1 week and a half) when medical residents to be go to Madrid to choose which specialty and where they want to do it. Unfortunately, this means that some of my friends won't be able to stay in Barcelona because they don't have a enough high mark... And one of this is one of my best friends... :(

Sue said...

One word. Waaaaaaaaaah!

Bells said...

I'm so sorry that your friends are moving, that is tough and definitely not fun. I don't like good-byes at all. I guess the quote, "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" sort of applies. You had a great time, have good memories and can look forward to future reunions.

Good luck getting through the first few weeks of being alone, lots of thoughts and prayers will be with you I'm sure.