I can’t tell you how happy this sight made me the other day! I have a serious affection for retro toys. They just don’t make toys like they used to (or furniture, or clothes).
Owlie has discovered Lincoln Logs and army guys. He builds forts and hides the guys in the forts, on the table, in between the cushions of the couch. Then they battle in the way guys battled before violent video games.
He was happy to do this for an entire afternoon. I cannot find a cheap, plastic, hideously colored toy currently being sold in a toy store that has that effect on my child.
But here’s what else does: Legos, Tinker Toys, blocks, dress ups, MatchBox cars, wooden trains, homemade play dough, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, the sandbox.
See. Not a tacky plastic newbie in there.
What about you? Do you have any toys from your childhood that your kids still love? Did your mom save any of your toys? My mom did and they are the toys our kids play with at her house.
Makes this momma super happy.
PS. I heart my new camera so very much. I was able to take these pictures without Owlie even knowing because I was FAR AWAY. Zoom lenses are a beautiful thing.
This young Owlet is not only a great plastic soldier guy, he is also an Engineer! I don't think I could build with Lincoln Logs when I was three.
We love Playmobiles, Legos, Army Guys, Wooden Blocks, boxes, dress-ups and board games...basically anthing that can be creatively manipulated.
My mom saved My Little Ponies from my childhood which I have (and my kids just don't love then enough for my taste.) At her house are old fisher price little people- the circle heads with cylinder bodies. My kids DO love those.
I love those little green army men except when I step on them in bare feet.
Master O is very intense and working hard.
At my grandma's house, she had some old dolls from when my mom was little. When my sister was little (maybe I wasn't born yet), she was so afraid of those dolls, my grandma decided to throw them away... I'm sad about that because even though they were a little bit creepy, I wish we could still have them.
I can see how Owlie is enjoying it in the photos! :)
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