January 9, 2013

RedDog’s Hawaii …

I have enough pictures and stories to write about our Hawaii trip for at least two more weeks, but I don’t want to bore you. Instead, for the next few days I’m going to focus on each child and some of their highlights.

RedDog loved snorkeling for the first time. He and the snorkeling gear were never far from each other and he loved seeing the angel fish.

One day on our morning walk on Bikini Beach, we came across this dead eel that had washed ashore. RedDog was fascinated and begged me to take a picture so he could show it to all the boys in his class back home. I think it is super creepy.

Every morning RedDog and his grandpa would head out to the beach to comb for treasures. They were never disappointed.

Here’s RedDog attempting to create fire by rubbing two sticks together like they do in Samoa. He was not successful, but the Hubby was and we all had fun trying. He loved all the activities at the Polynesian Cultural Center. I just noticed that the feet of all my family members are in this photo – except for me, of course.

At Waimea Falls RedDog was happy to hunt for awesome rocks to add to his collection. He liked this red one very much.

A big highlight of our day in Honolulu was taking a tour of a World War II submarine with his dad at Pearl Harbor.

We all agreed that the best swing ever is the swing made of driftwood anchored to a tree right on the beach.  RedDog was in heaven!

This treasure, found beach combing one morning, looked like some sort of vertebrae. Whatever it is, it makes my boy happy and now lives with us in Virginia.


squeezeme said...

RedDog is so cute I could eat him up! The glasses, his freckles, his love for rocks and snorkling... Looks like he had a fantastic Christmas vacation!

Apis Melliflora said...

What a great idea: Hawaii from different perspectives. So far, Red Dog's is tied for first with yours! ;)

Anonymous said...

You can just feel Red Dog's joy in these pictures! Love how you are sharing your most awesome trip.

Aiketa said...

I don't think you could bore me even if you talked about Hawaii for more than 3 weeks... I'm loving discovering new things about this far place and getting a little break from Winter and dreaming of warmer weather.

I agree with you, the dead eel is so creepy. Look at those teeth... eww!!!

I love RedDog's freckles, so cute! And he looks really great on glasses.

P.S: You should appear more in the pics Dragonfly! All your fam would be so happy when you print your blog and you are there more ofthen! I am always happy when there's a pic of you! :D

The Queen Vee said...

Red Dog, you're a treasure to me. I'm so happy you had such a great time in Hawaii.