December 14, 2012

Partners In Crime …

This is my momma.  Some people know her as Vicki. Some people know her as Victoria. Most people know her as The Queen.

I know her as my partner in crime, and not just because she taught me to steal greenery in the night.  Here she is working on wreaths with me {disembodied arm} at my sister’s house.  We had fun making those sad craft store wreaths awesome.

This weekend she and I will make caramels together. I’m looking forward to it. I love being a creative partner with my mom. We work well together. Our brains are wired on the same circuits. We’re sassy. And silly. And stubborn.

Our little cooking club venture, The Queen’s Dish, is a highlight of my month because I get to eat great food and be with dear friends, including my mom. And it only works because we do it together.

My friends all love my mom.  My friends all consider my mom as one of their friends. She’s pretty special. I wish I could send a little of my mom to everyone I know. She’d make you smile.

This picture made me smile today. Just wanted to say, “I love you Mom!”


Kernal Ken said...

I'm the guy who knows her as Queen and Victoria, and I love her too.

Apis Melliflora said...

Friend and mother to many. That's the Queen.
I am so glad I'm one of the many {and one of the few.}
Together, you two are a seriously creative dynamic duo!
Love you both.

squeezeme said...

Here! Here! I am a huge Victoria fan! I look forward to any time I get to visit with her. She's one inspiring lady.

Love to you!

The Queen Vee said...

I'm feeling like The Queen today thanks to your post, you know the way to make an old lady feel great.

I love getting into trouble with you and speaking of crime, I think I need to do a little tree trimming tonight.

Thanks Samantha, I love you MORE.

Sue said...

Oh, how I love the Queen! Someone looking from the outside wouldn't know how important she is to me because we don't interact frequently. But she is a constant source of support and comfort for me. I love you, Victoria!

P.S. I thought "Vicki" was strictly forbidden?

The Queen Vee said...


Vicki in any form is strictly forbidden, you have that right.

I love you too, very much.

Aiketa said...

I love your mom too, Samantha!!! And I wish you could send a little of her to Barcelona... I know I will be so so happy with her near by. :D

It is difficult to explain to my friends and family that somebody that I have never meet in real life (but got to know a lot through your blog and facebook), are as important in my life as you two are. I think they just don't understand me, but you are friends who have such a special piece of my heart!

I love you both, Samantha and Victoria!!! And I'm really looking forward to the day we can meet in real life! It will be awesome!!!