November 11, 2012

I’m A Serious Class Act …

There are just some nights when this mama doesn’t feel like cooking!

Last week I came down with a pretty nasty chest cold.  I had absolutely no appetite or energy.  It was cold outside. RedDog and the Hubby had a chilly baseball practice.  Big C had basketball tryouts.  We were going in twenty different directions.  And so I got super fancy with dinner.

Yep. I totally made ramen noodles.  But I added grilled cheese and grapes so I wouldn’t feel like a completely culinary and mothering failure.

I don’t mind admitting that I just can’t be super mom every night when it comes to dinner.  I’ve got two really picky eaters to battle, a schedule that is hard to keep up with, and some nights are so ramen worthy. I’m a super mom probably three nights out of the week.  The other nights it’s scrambled eggs, quesadillas or this. Yep, I said it was a class act.

Tell me you do this too. It would make me feel a little better.

In other news, Happy Birthday to an amazing friend today!  Nona, you’ve made my life a better one!  Love you girl!


Aiketa said...


I don't think this is a bad dinner. It looks yummy to me! I would be happy with that or with quesadillas or scrambled eggs. And I bet your kids like it too!

I only have to prepare meal for myself when in Barcelona, so no pressure for me on preparing great meals. But sure I many time eat really simple but still yummy dinner.

And THANK YOU so much for the birthday wishes!!! I'm so happy that one day a few years ago I found your blog and then get to know you! All my love!

The Queen Vee said...

Looks like our dinner 5 days a week. I bet the kiddos loved it.

Apis Melliflora said...

Short cut meals are essential to a happy home!

You're doing a great job being a class act!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

There are some nights Benny just wants cereal so we all have cereal....and I am SOOOO okay with it! :)